parts of speech
you name it!
follow the leader
put it all together
right or wrong?
describe a candy that you like to eat (with adjectives) that make me want to have some.
What is delicious, sweet, yummy or other adjectives  to describe?
another word that means the same as appear?
What is arrive, attend, come, view, expose?
pick up your pencil and tap it on the table.
What are two step directions?

put these two sentences together into one sentence.

My name is Sally. I live in New York City with my parents.

What is My name is Sally AND I live in New York City with my parents.

The boy doesn't have any shoes on.

The boy ain't got no shoes on.

What is? The boy doesn't have any shoes on.
name a noun that refers to another name for a young child
What is baby or infant?
the opposite of sweet.
What is sour?
stand up, push your chair in and hum Happy birthday.
What are three step directions?

use a word that combines these two sentences.

My crazy cat is named Mia. We adopted her when she was 1 1/2 years old.

What is:
My crazy cat is named Mia and we adopted her when she was 1 1/2 years old.

She have no idea what she is doing.

She has no idea what she's doing.

What is? She has no idea what's she's doing.

use a word to put these two sentences together,

He is a big man. He plays football.

What is, He is a big man and he plays football?
the opposite of well.
What is sick?
close your eyes, say "hi", and clap your hands 5 times.
What are three step directions?

use a word to combine these two sentences;

I want to get this book at the library about dinosaurs.

I like books about horses better.

What is:
I want to get this book at the library about dinosaurs, but I like books about horses better.

The girl be playing basketball with the boys.

The girl is playing basketball with the boys.

What is? The girl is playing basketball with the boys.
use a word in a sentence that would describe a ball that is on, under, next to, behind the net.

what is: The ball is on the net.

The ball is under the net.

The ball is next to the net.

The ball is behind the net.

means the same as wealthy.
What is rich?
say, "ouch", blow a kiss, clap your hands, stomp your foot once.
What are 4 step directions?

Use a word to combine these two sentences

Sometimes I like to go to the movies.

I go to the movies on rainy days.

What is:
Sometimes I like to go to the movies especially on rainy days?

The dad have no money for the movies.

The dad has no money for the movies.

What is? The dad has no money for the movies.

use a word to put these two sentences together.

I like to swim. I swim indoors in the winter time.

What is? I like to swim but do it indoors in the winter time.
means the same as prehistoric.
What is old?
stand up, do two jumping jacks, look out the window, sit in your seat.
What are four step directions?

Use a word to combine these two sentences.

My son used to have a guinea pig at our house.

He has a cat now.

What is?
My son used to have a guinea pig at our house but now he has a cat.

The clown be scary for the little kids.

The clown was scary for the little kids.

What is? The clown was scary for the little kids.