LOL stands for...
laughing out loud
This game can take a long time to complete and makes a nice picture once it’s been completed. We usually complete this activity on vacations
a puzzle
This app mainly used by adults and older teens is a social media app where people can post, “friend”, message, and look back at your time line
This pop singer used to have full private zoo on his Neverland Ranch and also called king of pop.
Michael Jackson
SMH stands for...
shaking my head
This game, originally becoming popular in 2013, allowed for kids and teens to make bracelets easily
a rainbow loom
This social media app, more commonly used between teens, allows for users to send pictures easily to each other, post on stories, and send messages
Yummy Yummy singer?
Justin Bieber
This thing is a little pictures that give expression to a typed statement
an emoji
This sports game involves hitting a large ball over a net
This app is know for having an annoying green bird that gives daily notifications to return to the app
She is a bad guy... (Whose songs phrase is this?)
Billie Eilish
The phrase fosho means
for sure
This game played by all ages allows for 100 players to fight against each other until there’s a few winners, with the map shrinking with the “storm” as the match goes on
This app, on all apple phones, allows for the users to record and make movies or trailers
Ringo Star is apart of this rock/pop group
the Beatles
The term “zoomer” means...
generation Z
This game consists of 2 or more people calling out the name of this merchant from the 1200s
Marco Polo
This phone game, released in 2013, allowed for users to fly through tubes
flappy bird
This song was one of the most popular songs of 2019 and was a country song about cowboys
Old Town Road