What is consent?
Consent is permission for something to happen, or an agreement to do something
If you're being bullied at school, it's not worth telling your parents or school staff since they can't help anyway.
False! Always tell a trusted adult when someone is bullying you. You may not know how they can help, but it is their job to keep you safe.
Unsafe! Always have closed toe shoes on.
Which of the following is NOT practicing safety:
1. Wearing a seatbelt
2. Looking both ways when crossing
3. Climbing on railings/furniture
4. Wearing closed-toe shoes while playing sports
3. Climbing on railings/furniture
A peer keeps touching you and it's making you uncomfortable. What can you do?
Ask them to stop
Tell them you prefer not to be touched
Ask an adult for help if they do not listen
It is okay for some adults to hug me without my permission, especially if they're family.
False. Your body is your own and you get to decide who touches you.
You're at the park and see a dog that you want to pet. What is the safe way to respond?
Ask the adult that you're with if it's okay to pet the dog, and then ask the pet's owner if it's safe. Pay close attention to the dogs body language to make sure that the dog also consents to being touched.
You are going bike riding with your friends, but they are refusing to put on a helmet and pressuring you to take yours off. What is the safest decision?
Keep your helmet on! Explain to your friends that it is important to protect your body and head incase of a fall/accident.
You are making a very loud noise when a peer tells you that it is making them uncomfortable and asks you to stop. You continue to do so. Are you respecting your peers boundaries?
No. Loud noises, bright lights, and other non-touch related things may make some people physically uncomfortable. When a peer asks us to stop a behavior, we should respect that.
When I am riding a bike or scooter, I must always wear an helmet
You're playing soccer and the ball goes over the fence an into the road. What is a safe way to respond?
You see two of your classmates shoving each other; you tell them to stop, but they ignore you and continue. What is a safe next step?
Get a teacher or adult who can safely handle the situation.
A friend, classmate, or peer tries to get you to do something that you feel is wrong. What is this called?
Peer Pressure
I should give my personal information, such as my full name, address, phone number, or school name to people on the internet I don't know.
False! When using the internet, you should never give out personal information especially to people you don't know.
Staff tells or asks you to stop doing something. Which STAR guideline are you following when you listen?
Act Safely!
Listening to staff is a key part of this STAR guideline.
If you see an adult doing something that you know is bad, and they ask you not to tell anyone, what should you do?
What are the characteristics of consent? (One bonus point if you can explain what each one means)
It is okay to be on your phone after an All-Stars Staff member asks you to put it away if you do it in a way they can't see.
False! Your phone should be in your cubby, pocket, or charging in the office, especially when asked to put it away
You're running around in the main space at All Stars with no shoes on after staff has asked you to stop. You slip and fall into your peer, hurting you both. What could you have done differently?
1. Not run in the main space
2. Keep your shoes on
3. Listen to staff when asked to stop
A friend tells you that they're not safe at home, and asks you not to say anything. What should you do?
You should tell a trusted adult. It may feel like you're not listening to your friend, but helping to keep them safe is the best thing you can do.