Kiddie Academy

What does BM stand for?

Bowel Movement


What things should be locked/inaccessible to children in your classroom at all times?

The closet, drawers/cabinets with diaper creams, cleaning spray bottles (OUT of Reach), medications, personal belongings


What is the diapering procedure?

1. Prepare the area with changing paper, supplies and gloves.  

2. Carry child to diapering area.

3. Clean the child/diaper etc.

4. Place wipes and soiled diaper in covered trashcan.  Remove and discard gloves.

5. Replace diaper and dress child.  

6. Wash child's hands. 

7. Remove liner from changing table and spray and disinfect changing pad.

8. Wash your hands.


What is the difference between PROCESS art and PRODUCT art?

Process art" focuses on the creative exploration and experimentation during the art-making process, where the emphasis is on the journey and discovery, while "product art" prioritizes achieving a specific, predetermined end result by following instructions and aiming for a particular look, with the focus on the final product itself.


How old is Ms. Carol?

65 years young!


What does EOL stand for?

Evidence of Learning


Name 5 items that can be in the blocks center. 

blocks (that do not interlock), people, animals, houses, transportation, Tools/tool box, photos of places in community and buildings, road signs, dinosaurs


What is the correct way to clean the table after a meal?

First, spray table with soap and water and wipe dry with paper towel.  Next, spray table with water and dry with paper towel.  Last, spray table with disinfectant and let air dry.  

When should health checks be completed?

Health checks should be completed EVERY DAY as soon as the child arrives to school.  


What is the only animal with 4 knees?

An elephant!


What does IEP stand for?

Individualized Education Plan (or Program)


What should cozy corner be used for?

Cozy corner provides a calm and comfortable area where children can take a break to regulate their emotions.  A cozy corner is a not meant as a punishment or time out zone.  


What are the teacher-child ratios for each age group?

Ittys/infants- 1:4

Toddlers- 1:6

Twos- 1:8

Threes- 1:10

Fours & Pre-K- 1:12


What is name to face used for and when should you use it?

We use “Name to Face” to monitor and document supervision of children throughout the day. Teachers do a “name to face” during transitions which include, staff transitioning to and from the room, children coming and going from the room, to and from the playground, and additional times throughout the day. (when a child passes through a threshold)


Which classrooms has Taylor G. worked in as a lead teacher?

Twos, 3/4 A (Preschool) and Pre-K


What does DAP stand for?

Developmentally Appropriate Practice


Can the lights be off or dimmed in the infant/itty rooms during naptime?

NO! The lights must remain on at all times in these classrooms for safety and supervision. 


Name at least 3 times when children must wash their hands.

Children wash their hands upon arrival for the day; after diapering or using the toilet (use of wet wipes is acceptable for infants); after handling body fluids (e.g., blowing or wiping a nose, coughing on a hand, or touching any mucus, blood, or vomit); before meals and snacks,  after playing in water that is shared by two or more people; after handling pets and other animals or any materials such as sand, dirt, or surfaces that might be contaminated by contact with animals; and when moving from one group to another (e.g., visiting).


What should the teachers do while children are eating during meal times?

At least one teacher should be sitting at the table WITH them.  This is for safety and supervision but also a great time to talk with the children in your class.  


How long has Cassie worked at Kiddie Academy?  Bonus: What year and month did Cassie start? 

7 Years. October 2017!


What does NAEYC stand for?

National Association for the Education of Young Children


Name 6 centers

Math/Manipulatives, Dramatic Play, Library/Language and Literacy, "Cozy" area, Blocks/Engineering, Science/Sensory Exploration, Art/Creative Expression, Music/Movement, Technology, Writing


What is the correct way to place an infant in their crib?

Infants MUST be placed on their backs to sleep even if they can roll.


What is our social emotional curriculum called?

Character Essentials


Is Rikki having a boy or girl?