Stores urine
What is the bladder?
Mom had it
What is a family history?
Feeling like they are going to "toss their cookies"
What is nausea?
Makes filtrate
What is the glomerulus?
1-1.5 liters
What is the amount of urine the average person makes per day?
Transports urine out of the body
What is the Urethra
High blood sugars
What is having diabetes?
Do not want to eat
What is a loss of appetite?
Catches filtrate
What is Bowman's capsule?
Dark golden yellow urine
What is a sign of dehydration?
Transports urine from the kidney to where it is storaged
What is the Ureter?
Elevated systolic and diastolic numbers
What is high blood pressure?
Can't lift as much
What is muscle weakness?
Molecules are moved from the blood into the tubule
What is tubular secretion?
Makes tubule walls more permeable to water
What is anti-diuretic hormone?
1 kidney
What is the number of kidneys we need to live?
Elevated LDL
What is high cholesterol?
Blown up like a ballon
What is swelling?
Water & electrolytes are put back into the blood stream
What is tubular reabsorption?
Causes vasoconstriction and increases blood pressure.
What is angiotensin?
The part of the kidney that makes urine
What is the nephron?
Protein in your urine
What is Proteinuria?
Like they licked the flag pole
What is a metallic tase in the mouth?
What causes filtrate to be made?
Lack of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
What is diabetes insipidus?