The mother of your mother is your…
The auxiliar for he, she and it
You take the class in a
Spell classroom
Si - el - Ei - es - es - ar - ou - ou - em
What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie is _____
Your mom, your dad, your sister and your brother is your….
The auxiliar for you, we and they
Who is the person who gives the class
The teacher
Spell your name
Free answer
What si your name?
My name is _____
Your aunt and uncle kids
The auxiliar for I
Is the room where you can play music
Music room
Spell bet time
Bi - I - di space ti - ai - em - i
What is the name of your brother/sister?
The name of my sister/brother is
You have to do your ch______ at home
Negative of is
Isn’t / Is not
They have the same age as you, and are in the same classroom
Spell grandmother
Yi - ar -Ei - en - di - em - ou - ti - eich - I - ar
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is ____
Where you live with your family
Negative of Are
Aren’t or Are not
If you don’t feel fine she can help you to make you feel better
Spell the name of your dad
Free answer
What is your favorite song?
My favorite song is ____