Famous People
Coping Skills

This popular actor who is known for his quirky and deranged characters, such as a dependent pirate captain who sailed the Caribbean, also suffers from a panic disorder.

Who is Johnny Depp


One of the most common symptoms of an anxiety disorder

Excessive Worrying


You inhale for a period of time and exhale for a period of time.

Deep breathing


Anxiety isn't a real illness.

False! Some anxiety is natural (and can even be helpful), but an anxiety disorder is an extreme form of anxiety that causes impairment, and it's a very real illness.


This type of trigger is very powerful because of the immediate and personal feelings it produces.

Health issues


Abraham Lincoln suffered from a general anxiety disorder.



This feeling is often describe it as feeling “on edge” or having an “uncomfortable urge to move.” One study in 128 children diagnosed with anxiety disorders found that 74% reported this symptom  as one of their main anxiety symptoms.



Sit or stand in a relaxing area and only focus on your breathing. 



Some people are just worrywarts and can't be treated.

False! Though there's probably a genetic component to anxiety, effective treatments, from medication to various types of therapy, can help get it under control. 


Active ingredients in these may make you feel uneasy or unwell. Those feelings can set off a series of events in your mind and body that may lead to additional symptoms of anxiety.



This famous singer took a break in their career in 2016 due to panic attacks, anxiety and depression.

Selena Gomez


As anxiety is commonly associated with hyperactivity or being restless, this symptom is another potential symptom of generalized anxiety disorder after you feel hyper you will feel _____

Fatigue or tired


Find a spot and make it cozy, add some calming tools, explain how to use it and practice for when you need it.

Creating a calm down spot


Anxiety disorders are very common.

True! About 18 percent of American adults - nearly one in five - experience some type of anxiety disorder in any given year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). 


Many people rely on coffee of soft drinks to wake them up or create more energy but it might actually trigger or worsen anxiety because it has this in it.



This famous singer has long suffered anxiety which was triggered after an attack at their Manchester Arena concert in May 2017.

Ariana Grande


Many people with anxiety report having trouble doing this in class or on school work. One study including 157 children and teens with generalized anxiety disorder found that more than two-thirds had trouble with this symptom.

Difficulty Concentrating or staying focused. 


Use an empty jar, add water, add glue and put some glitter in.

Create a calming jar.  


All I need is a little medicine to get through your anxiety symptoms.

Medicine may be helpful initially, but it will not replace the skills you learn to help manage your anxiety .


Your mind controls much of your body, and that’s certainly true with anxiety. When you’re upset or frustrated, the words you say to yourself can trigger greater feelings of anxiety.

Negative thinking


This famous actress who appears on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" and is married to a singer, has dealt with anxiety disorder throughout their life.

Kim Kardashian West


According to one recent study including over 6,000 adults, more than 90% of those with generalized anxiety disorder reported feeling this symptom during periods when their anxiety disorder was at its worst

Irritability or feelings of frustration or anger, often over seemingly small matters.


This is an easy way to express your thoughts and feelings as well as keeping track of symptoms to learn triggers.



People with anxiety could just snap out of it if they really wanted to.

False! It's very difficult to just overcome anxiety disorders without help.


Daily amounts of this can increase anxiety. A life-long amount of this can lead to long-term anxiety and worsening symptoms, as well as other health problems.
