Challenge these anxious thoughts
Coping Skills

Your mom says you can't have the sleepover you wanted. Your anxiety says "I'll never be able to stay at my friends house!"


One of the most common symptoms of an anxiety disorder

Excessive Worrying


We can use our breath to calm our minds and bodies by doing this.

Deep breathing. 


Anxiety and panic attacks can physically hurt you?

False.  Even though anxiety and panic can be intense and very uncomfortable it can not hurt or kill you.  


Name one thing that can trigger your anxiety



You wanted your favorite food for dinner, your Dad says, we're having brussels sprouts and fried fish. You think "We never have what I like!"


what is one part of my body that deep breathing can help make feel better when I am anxious?

my heart by decreasing how fast it is beating


Taking time to talk to a friend, family member, or someone else when we are feeling upset.

Expressing ourselves/seeking connection


Some people are just worrywarts and can't be treated.

False! Though there's probably a genetic component to anxiety, effective treatments, from medication to various types of therapy, can help get it under control. 


What is one thing that someone else might do that can make your anxiety worse?



You had plans to go to the beach today! You are so excited but it's raining and you can't go.  You think "I never get to go to the beach!"


Can you have worry but not be anxious or have anxiety?

Yes!  Everybody has worry and this is very healthy.  Having worry can help us to improve our problem-solving skills by helping us identify different options and choices that we have in regards to settling that worry.  Having worry doesn't mean you are anxious. 


What is progressive muscle relaxation? When should you use it? 

Squeezing and tensing the muscles in our body one by one, forcing our body into a state of relaxation.


Anxiety disorders are very common.

True! About 18 percent of American adults - nearly one in five - experience some type of anxiety disorder in any given year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). 


Knowing my triggers to my anxiety can be helpful. What is one way knowing what triggers your anxiety can help you?



You couldn't wait to go shopping for some new school clothes, your mother says "Something came up, I can't take you today." You think "I never get to go shopping!" 


The symptom that most people with anxiety see in school.

Difficulty Concentrating or staying focused. 


Paying attention to notice what you feel in in your body, see, hear, smell, or taste is what coping skill? 



All I need is a little medicine to get through my anxiety symptoms.

Medicine may be helpful initially, but it will not replace the skills you learn to help manage your anxiety .


True or False. Avoiding triggers to my anxiety helps me?

False.  By avoiding triggers it allows the anxiety to grow into other areas and then you end up trying to avoid everything.  Avoiding does not fix or help you decrease the anxiety it just makes it better, temporarily, in the moment but then it comes back.


Your best friend tells you she is moving away. You think "I'll never have a best friend again. Our friendship is over!"


True or false?  Susie asked her mom if she could go to her friend Jasmine's house.  Susie's mom told her she cannot go to her friend's house that day and Susie got mad at her mother and Susie noticed that her heart was beating super fast, she felt uneasy, and had some tension in her chest, shoulders and arms, and then she reacted by yelling at her mom and stomping her feet.  Susie's reaction to her mother is anxiety. 

False.  Susie's reaction to her mother is her outward expression of anger and disappointment for not being able to do something that she wanted to do.  


This is an easy way to express your thoughts and feelings as well as keeping track of symptoms to learn triggers.



People with anxiety could just snap out of it if they really wanted to.

False! It's very difficult to just overcome anxiety disorders without help.


What can help you best when your anxiety is triggered?
