How many commandments were given to Moses?
We do this when we disobey God's commandments?
Who was thrown in a lion's den because he wouldn't worship an idol?
What "C" stands for the origin of the the Earth and every thing in it.
What animal means strength and leadership, Jesus is called the _____ of Judah?
Lion of Judah
How many days and nights did God make rain during the great flood?
What tree did God tell Adam not eat from?
Tree of Knowledge of good and evil
Who is the strongest man in the Bible?
The great flood in Noah's day was a worldwide?
What animal did God curse?
Serpent; God said He would eat the dust of the earth all his life
What is the most important number in the Bible it also means "completeness"?
What did God use to create Eve?
Adams rib bone
Who is the smartest man in the Bible?
This is what God caused to happen when he scattered the people building the tower Babel? It also means Babel>>>
Confusion of their languages
What bird is the most commonly used as the symbol of the Holy Spirit?
How many people did Jesus feed with the 5 loafs and fishes?
Besides Man what did God Create on Day 6?
He killed his brother committing the first murder in the Bible?
This "C" is Jesus' secondary name and it means anointed one?
Jesus Christ
What animal is mentioned the most in the Bible?
What is sheep; 212 times
What is word means three and stands for God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?
Gods Holy "Trinity"
What is the sign that God used to seal his promise that he would not destroy life on earth with a flood again and how many colors are in it?
Rainbow; 7 colors
What is God's real name?
Jehovah or YAHWEH
What is the "C" word that means Jesus will return and make all things new it also means a promise as in marriage?
God sent these birds to feed Elijah?
A Raven