How many of each animal came onto the ark?
Two of each animal came onto the ark so the species could continue
Who built the ark?
Who were the first people God created?
Adam and Eve
were the first humans God created
Why did Adam and Eve get expelled from the Garden of Eden?
Which is the most sold book in the world?
The Bible
Who were the ten commandments given to?
Moses received the ten commandments
Who was given the coat of many colors?
What does the word Gospel mean?
Gospel means ‘good news’.
How did Jesus die?
Jesus was crucified- he died on the cross.
Who fought the giant, Goliath?
David fought Goliath
Where was Moses born?
How many days did God take to create the world?
7 days-
God created the world in 7 days
What is the symbol of God’s promise to Noah?
God promised that he would never Flood the entire Earth again. Which the Rainbow is a rememberance of this promise
How Many commandments are there?
Ten Commandments
True or False?
The Holy Bible is the most famous book ever written
True Fact