What time do counselors arrive in the morning?
8am (or 7:55!)
How many copies of an oops form are there?
Name the 4 snack and lunch locations.
patio, gym, island, picnic tables
True or False - Doors open for camp at 8:58am
What is one way to keep campers engaged during song time?
Be excited about it! Sing loud, act like it is the best thing ever!
What time do counselors leave camp on Fridays?
counselors stay ALL DAY to prep for closing program
Where do Oops Forms go?
One goes in Oops binder in the kitchen and other goes to the lead.
What groups go to the gym for games right after theme skit?
Blue group and Green group
True or False - I can go to Safeway during lunch!
Name a time killer and WHEN during the day you might use it. (example: baby shark)
3 short neck buzzers
3 blind jellyfish
When: Waiting for Bible Skit or Application Hour, during lunch/snack
What is considered appropriate and inappropriate physical contact between campers and counselors?
Appropriate: Side hugs, high fives, fist bumps, hand holding (to an extent)
Inappropriate: Picking up campers, piggyback rides, kissing, hitting, lap sitting
When do you need to fill out an Oops Form?
If a camper hurts themselves and there’s blood/ a mark, or if the camper cried.
Clarification- if a camper fell and asked for an ouchie sponge, then gives it back 2 minutes later and didn’t cry, you DON’T need an oops form.
Name 3 morning chores.
prepping snack,
helping Noelle in craft room,
setting up flags, water jugs, trash cans, etc.
True or False- we have so many counselors working that my lead counselor won’t notice if I leave for a few minutes without telling them.
why? Let your lead (or assistant lead if the lead is busy) know before you leave the group
How are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday special in a Kids Camp week?
Tropical Tuesday- wear tropical attire
Wacky Sock Wednesday- wacky socks
Throwback Thursday- wear an old camp shirt (if it is your first year at camp, you can wear a shirt from another camp if you have one)
Which snack (if any) are counselors allowed to eat?
Counselors are allowed to eat AM snack (after campers have been served)
NOT PM snack. Counselor PM snack is served right before counselor meeting at 3:30pm.
How long do you sit with a camper when they have an Ouchie Sponge?
3-5minutes, 10 minutes MAX
Name 3 discovery centers and where they are located.
Lego (Adult Center)
Moviemaking (Greenhouse classroom)
Sports (Gym)
Art (Craft room/ MS room)
Train Mania (meets on the set- location may be determined by what activity they’re doing that day)
True or False- It is okay to take a camper to the bathroom, no matter what time of day.
True! (I know it sounds false…) But if a camper says they need to go and can’t wait until the next activity, go ahead and take them!
Name something that is appropriate to bring up during troubleshooting.
Ie. A color group had trouble during bible activity (maybe there wasn’t enough space and needs to be relocated for week 2), energy needs to be brought up during a certain activity, something happened during the day that we need to change.
NOT something that is confined to a specific color group or only pertains to a few counselors (like seeing people on their phones- tell those people directly or talk to your lead)
When is a good time for counselors to do lanyards?
Never! Counselors may not touch lanyards unless starting them for a camper. Which means we shouldn’t see counselors with them outside of the craft room.
Do we need a lead counselor signature for a Oops Form?
Name 3 Friday afternoon chores.
bringing down craft bags
resetting craft room for MS Sunday sem
setting up tables and chairs in gym for counselor dinner
putting attendance charts in craft bags, etc.
True or False- After camp, I wait until a camper gets picked up, even after 3:15pm.
False, by 3:15pm we take the campers that have not yet been picked up, down to aftercare.
What do you do if (on Monday) a camper decides they don’t like their discovery center?
You can ask the DC leader what else they’re doing later in the week to see if camper will get excited for future activities.
If they’re still not happy, tell them you’ll talk to your lead (but DON’T PROMISE that they can be moved. Most of our DCs are full, but we try our best). Your lead will talk to Sydney to see what can be done.
Don’t just straight up ask “do you want to switch?”