Check in and out
Infant Toddler care
Rosters and face counts

This person is responsible for signing children in and out on the roster

Who is the runner 


They are the only ones who can drop off for rotataions

Who are authorized adults that are active members


These are not exemptions to our dress code 

What are name tags and/or Shoes

Structured play is NOT required here

What are the playground and climbing tower


Runners are required to complete these at drop off

What are child's first and last names, age, time in, and any special instructions

 Runners can only sign children out once they’ve been properly checked out at the Kids desk and a this has been issued   

What is a check out slip. 


First and last names, age, and initials of person verifying identity of the pick up person

What is items required on the check out slip


Infants under 12m are never fed this

What is water


Curriculum activities must meet the following criteria

What are theme related, developmentally appropriate


Face counts are required how frequently

When is every 30 minutes and before and after every transition


Who applies stickers in all clubs except The Woodlands and Colorado Springs

Who is the parent 


The check in process in all clubs except The Woodlands and Colorado Springs 

What is parents scan their membership card, child is checked in, sticker is printed, sticker is handed to parent, parent applies sticker,  parent waits for runner to take child, runner takes child to his/her room, runner signs child in on roster


Infant bottles must be labeled with these

What are infant's first and last names and a red dot if breast milk


Items required to be planned and communicated each month

What are the matrix and activity lesson plans


When leaving one rotation space, a 1/2 X is placed in the box, as well as these 2 things

What are the time of the transition and the location you are leaving 


The person who is handed the check out slip in all clubs except The Woodlands and Colorado Springs

Who is the parent
Check in process in The Woodlands and Colorado Springs

What is member scans membership card, child is checked in, sticker is printed and handed to runner, runner applies sticker, runner walks child/ren to room, runner signs child/ren in on roster


This is required before feeding an infant bottle

What is double verification- another adult matching the name on the bottle to the child's name tag


This is required to ensure that children receive a mix of active and calm play while in Kids Club

A rotation schedule.


These are required at the transition when you arrive in your new space

What is the other 1/2 of an X


The triple verification at pick up includes 

What are Check out slip, sticker, and roster 


The purpose of the initials on the check out slip 

What is to confirm that the pick up parent/ guardian has been IDd and confirmed permitted to pick up 


The policy that indicates that infants must be placed on their backs in cribs, no toys or items allowed in the crib, child checked on sleep check noted every 30 minutes, and infant car seat waiver required for car seat sleeping

What is safe sleep


Play rooms should be set up for child- directed play in these

What are learning centers 


Explain the information on the attached roster 

What is: