How many kids can Kids Club have if there is only one staff member?
What should we do if we make someone else feel bad?
Apologize, say you're sorry.
Soccer player who wears #10 jersey and plays for Inter Miami and Argentine National Team
Seattle Football Team
Farm animal that has black and white spots
Why do we tell you not to run inside of Kids Club?
Because you can fall and hurt yourselves.
What's one thing you can do to help yourself calm down when you feel overwhelmed?
Go to the calm-down corner, take some deep breaths, do an activity that makes you happy...
Soccer player who wears #7 jersey and plays for Saudi Pro League and Portugal National Team
Seattle Baseball Team
Looks like a hose and makes a hissing sound
When is the only time you should be talking during the Talking Circle?
When you have the talking stick.
What's one thing you can do to resolve a conflict before coming to an adult?
Sharing how the other person made you feel, removing yourself form the situation, apologizing, trying to come to an agreement...
Soccer player who wears #10 and plays for Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A and Brazil National Team
Seattle Soccer Team
Looks like a horse but has black and white stripes
If you have a cup with water still in it, what should you do before throwing it away?
Dump the water out into the sink.
What should you do if someone spreads a rumor about you?
Tell the person how it made you feel, go to an adult if needed
Basketball player who is considered to be the greatest player of all time
Michael Jordan
Seattle Hockey Team
Largest sea animal in the world
What do we need to do every time before we transition to another activity in Kids Club?
Pick up after ourselves - put toys away, throw our trash away.
Why is it important to think about other peoples' feelings?
John Cena
Seattle Basketball Team
Seattle Storm
Largest land animal in the world