7 Major Feasts
7 Minor Feasts
Other Feasts

There is no direct mention of the name God in the book of Easter?



The book of Nehemiah comes before which book and after which book?

Ezra and Easter


What are the 7 Major Feasts of the Coptic Church?

The Annunciation, The Nativity, The Epiphany, Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, The Ascension, and The Pentecost.


What are the 7 Minor Feasts of the Coptic Church?

The Circumcision of our Lord, The Miracle at Cana of Galilee, The Entrance of our Lord into the Temple, The Holy Thursday, Thomas Sunday, The Flight to Egypt, and The Feast of the Transfiguration.


Which from the following are not included from either 7 Major or 7 Minor feasts?

a) Nayrouz                c) Thomas Sunday

b) Monthly Feasts      d) All of the above

Nayrouz and Monthly Feasts


Where is the story played?

Easter's real name was ______?

Shushan, the capital of Persia



Nehemiah was the son of _______?

His name means _________?


Comfort of God


When do we celebrate the Annunciation?

What happened during the Annunciation?

Baramhat 29, April 7

This feast commemorates the angel Gabriel's announcement to St.Mary that she would conceive Jesus by the Holy Spirit


When do we celebrate the Circumcision of our Lord?

When do we celebrate the Miracle at Cana of Galilee?

Tubah 6, January 14

Tubah 13, January 22


Where does the word Nayrouz come from?

What does it mean?


The beginning of a new year


Easter is the daughter of ________.

Who wrote the book of Easter?

This book is called the book of ______.


Unknown author



Nehemiah led the ____ group of exile after ___ years of exile.

He was the cupbearer for King _____?

He was born in Jerusalem?

3rd and 70 years




How many days do we fast before the Nativity?

What is another name for the Nativity?

When do we celebrate the Epiphany?

43 days fast

The Incarnation of Christ

Tubah 11, January 19


The Entrance of our Lord into the Temple is celebrated ___ days after Christmas on _______,________?

What happens on Holy Thursday?

What happens on that day and what do we not pray?

40 days, Amshir 8, February 15

In it we commemorate the establishment of the sacrament of Eucharist?

An unusual procession takes place starting from the south of the church nave where a hymn of rebuking Judas's betrayal is chanted. We also pray the water liturgy but we do not pray the prayer of Reconciliation or the Commemoration of the saints


What are Monthly Feasts?

What are the two feasts of the cross?

When are they celebrated?

Feasts that happen every month

The Holy Cross appeared to Emperor Constantine and when Queen Helen found the Holy Cross.

(Tout 17, September 27) and (Baramhat 10, March 19)


What happens in the book of Easter?

Easter teaches us _______.

She saved her people from a genocide.

To be brave, to trust in God, To do what is right and leave the rest in God's Hand, and the Importance and power of fasting


Where was Nehemiah when he was informed about the remnant of the exiles and Jerusalem?

In which chapter did Nehemiah ask the king if he could go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls?

What happened in chapter 5?

In which chapter did Sanballat and Tobiah try to kill Nehemiah?

In the citadel of Susa

Chapter 2

Nehemiah prevents the rich from taking advantage of the poor.

Chapter 4


What is very special about the Epiphany?

When do we celebrate Palm Sunday?

Easter Sunday is also known as ?

What happens before Easter Sunday?

The water liturgy (Lakan) is prayed.

No fixed date. The Sunday which precedes Easter.

The Resurrection or The Feast of Feasts

The Great Lent (55 days fast)


Thomas Sunday is the Sunday that follows _____?

What happens on Thomas Sunday?

When do we celebrate the Flight to Egypt?

Which prophet prophesied that the savior would flee to Egypt?


Thomas says that he has to see Jesus in order to believe that he is risen.

Bashans 24, June 1st

The prophet Hosea


How many feasts does St.Mary have?

Name 4 of them.

When is the Apostles' Feasts celebrated?

What happens on the Apostles Feast?

7 feasts

The Annunciation, The Nativity, Her Presentation into the Temple, Her Departure, The Assumption of her body, Her apparition in the Church of Zeitoon and The dedication of the first church build in her name in the city of Philippi.

Abib 5, July 12

We commemorate the martyrdom of St.Peter and St.Paul. 


In which chapter did Easter invite the king and haman to a private party?

Chapter 5


In which chapter did Nehemiah order to count the totals of people and gifts?

In which chapter of the book did they finish the wall of Jerusalem?

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


The Ascension happens ___ days after Easter?

When do we celebrate the Ascension?

The litanies of the ___ hour are prayed after the ____?

How many sets of prayers do we pray and what are they called?

What happens on the day after Pentecost?

40 days


3rd hour, Praxis

3 sets called Worship Prayers

The Fast of the Apostles


When do we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration?

What happens on this feast?

Which disciples were able to see this vision?

Who were with Jesus when this vision was happening?

What does this signify?

Misra 13, August 19

Christ reveals himself in shining splendor

Peter, James, and John

Moses and Elijah

The Law of the Prophets testify that Jesus is the promised Messiah

Do we pray the water liturgy during the Apostles Feasts?

How many water liturgies do we have per year?

How many feasts do not have a fixed date?

Name them

There is a feast almost everyday.




Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Easter Ascension, Pentecost, Thomas Sunday
