hint: it's french
Mis en place
a whisk
What is Abby's favourite game?
All of them (bang or guess the song)
Yes, it's a bacteria
to peel
a tool used to fold ingrediants in/scrape the bowl
What is Brooke's favourite food?
how many 1/4 cups go into one cup?
to cut something into small cubes
to dice
a small, sharp object used to cut fruits or vegetables
knife/pairing knife
Name all 5 counsellors
Sierra, Locke, Brooke, Abbey, Morgana, Delaney
is sugar typically a wet or dry ingredient?
Wet ingredient
when a sauce coats the spoon, when you run your finger through it, it does not come back together
the board used to cut fruits or vegetables
cutting board
What does Morgana like to do?
What is the difference between baking powder and baking soda
baking powder rises on it's own, baking soda needs an acid
to quickly brown or cook something in a skillet until it is browned
to sauté
the tray that goes in the oven to cook things such as biscuits or cookies
a baking tray/sheet (or cookie sheet/tray)
what are the ingredients we used in our cookie recipe?