This movie is about a little girl and her pet alien who live in Hawaii.
Lilo and Stitch
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What months have only 28 days out of the year?
All of them
What's the name of a popular card game that the name is actually in SPANISH?
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How many arms does a starfish have?
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How many letters are in the English Alphabet?
What is the name of the fairy in the movie Peter Pan?
Is the Atlantic Ocean on the West Coast or East Coast?
East Coast
What game do you count and then hide and wait for someone to find you?
What is it called when you walk through the wilderness or nature and enjoy all the scenery?
A hike or hiking
How many vowels are there?
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What is Batman's real name?
Bruce Wayne
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Do bananas grow from trees, herbs, or roots?
Bananas do not grow on trees; they actually are the fruit of the world's largest herb.
What is the name of the video game where you use a character made out of blocks?
What color is turquoise?
Blue and green or a mixture of blue and green
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What do you start a sentence with?
A capital letter
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What is the name of Pinocchio's Conscious?
Jiminy Cricket
What is the smallest ocean?
Artic Ocean
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In what game do you get out if you don't have a spot to sit down when the music stops?
Musical chairs
What creature is documented to be able to carry up to twenty times their own body weight. If a human could lift twenty times their body weight that would be about 4,000 pounds.
An Ant
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Give 6 punctuation marks of our English language.
In toy story, what toy has eyes, nose, ears and mouth that can be changed?
Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head
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What video game is famous for its funny dances?
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What's a very popular birthday game where you're blindfolded, spun around, and then you have to pin something on a target?
Pin the Tail on the Donkey
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On the farm, what do you call a baby cow?
A Calf
What is a verb?
Action word or a word that shows action.
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This movie is about a princess who loses her shoe.
What movie that has these 2 characters in it?
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Name the game where you go around the board and make big decisions such as buying a home or property or you can even go to jail
Other than butterflies, what other insect also starts off as a caterpillar?
A moth
What is a subject in a sentence?
It tells who or what the sentence is about.
What is the name of the princess with really long blonde hair?
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What's the name of the planet famous for having a ring?
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What's name of the board game where you can you sink ships?
Battle Ship
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True or False?: The Earth orbits the Sun
True. The Earth orbits the Sun.
Give me 3 words that rhyme with "Wobble?" Attention: The words must be actual words that include 2 the letter b's in the word. Nothing made up.
Gobble, Hobble, Cobble, Bobble, Nobble, Squabble
In what movie does a fish get lost in the sea looking for his son?
Finding Nemo
What city and country is the famous Space Needle located? Washington D.C., Brooklyn, NY, Seattle Washington, or Austin Texas
Seattle, Washington
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What are those small blocks called that come in many colors that snap together to build creations?
Which of the following creatures pollinates flowers?
Birds, bats, butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, wasps or all of them
All of them
What is a predicate in a sentence?
It tells who or what the subject is doing.
In the Jungle Book, what's the name of the panther?
What are the three primary colors?
Red, Blue, and Yellow
In what game do you have to either tell the truth or take a dare if you do not want to tell the truth when it's your turn?
Spin The Bottle
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What popular dog breed is used as a mascot for fire stations?
What is an adjective.
A descriptive word or a word that describes a noun.