Growing up too fast

Give 2 examples of Coping Skills

1)Practice slow, deep breathing: in through your nose, out through your mouth 2) Do a puzzle 3) Draw, paint or color 4) Listen to uplifting or inspirational music 5) Blow bubbles 6) Squeeze or suck on an ice cube 7) Go to the library 8) Visit the animal shelter 9) Pet your cat or dog 10) Clean or organize a space


the ability to accept situations that are outside of your control without judging them, which reduces the suffering they cause

Radical acceptance


name 1 reason why kids "grow up too fast"

1 Peer pressure

2 The influence of social media

3 Stress from schoolwork or college applications

4 Changes in the family

5 Mental health issues such as anxiety or depression


What is mindfulness meditation?

various techniques for bringing your attention to the present moment


signs of lack of radical acceptance

Thought patterns that signal a lack of acceptance:

"I can’t deal with this."

You blame yourself for everything bad that happens in your life.


what causes kids to sometimes feel like they HAVE to do things their friends are doing?

Radical acceptance


what is emotional regulation?

ability to exert control over one’s own emotional state (free 3000)


when is radical acceptance inappropriate?

  • If you are in an abusive relationship or someone is treating you poorly or with disrespect
  • If you are being harassed, taken advantage of, or not treated fairly at work
  • If you are experiencing burnout or a lack of motivation with your current situation

what are the negative aspects of growing up too fast? 

not living their life to the fullest 

miss out on important experiences 

trouble forming relationships


is stress physical or mental?



2 radical acceptance statements

  • When I fight against negative emotions, I only fuel them to grow larger.
  • I can’t change the things that have happened in the past.
  • I am able to accept the present moment exactly as it is.
  • I can get through difficult emotions even if it is hard.
  • I will get through this no matter what.
  • I will survive and this feeling will fade even though this feels painful right now.
  • It’s possible for me to feel anxiety but still manage this situation in an effective way.

what are the positive aspects to growing up too fast?

more prepared 


better sense of what they want in life 

advantage when it comes to their education