Krazy Kartoons
Fun Foods
YouTube channels
Dog Breeds
Stuffed Animals

This Ham of a character appears in his own video games and TV show. Excuse him while he works out, he's got to run in his wheel.

Who is Hamtaro?


Dinner is best with sides of tomato soup, ketchup, and french fries (and chocolate milk to drink) to go with this sandwich with a melty middle.

What is Grilled Cheese?


This crafty channel stars... ME!

...well not me actually, but a very artistic woman whose initials are "M.E."

What is Moriah Elizabeth?


This breed is now famous for appearing in Target store ads, with their mascot Bullseye. 

What is Bull Terrier?


This taking, singing and music-playing animal comes in green and purple varieties. It can even be programmed to say is child owners name. Snuggle up! For 5, 10, or 15 minutes of bedtime music.

Who is Violet/Scout?


This movie includes a "lad" and his pals, a monkey, rug, and big blue magical man. Even though it's named after him, but he actually goes by another name "Ali Ababwa" for much of the film.

What is Aladdin?


Dong! This restaurant is calling, when you're hungry for Mexican food (American fast-food style).

What is Taco Bell?


The star of this channel is definitely not "shy" or "low". Her outgoing and joyful personality is combined with that or her siblings (and friends) to make videos about Mario, Among Us, water blaster battles, and more.

What is Shiloh and Bros?


This breed as puppies could be called "bassinet" hounds.

What are Basset Hounds?


These egg-shaped animals come in many shapes, sizes and forms. Their overall name sounds like a puffy marshmallow, which makes sense as they are soft and cuddly.

What are Squishmallows?


This cartoon is a "legendary" tale; named for the person that the main character is always asking to "excuuuse" him.

What is the Legend of Zelda?


This food, that sounds like a season combined with a tumbling move, is an Asian food favorite that tastes great dipped in Sweet & Sour sauce.

What is a Spring Roll?


This "small trivia" channel has lots of videos with questions about kids subjects, like Disney movies. But even though the videos could be called a quiz show, it's nowhere near as good as Jeopardy!

What is Tiny Quiz?


This breed's name sounds like a turtle wearing a shirt; a "shell-tee".

What is a Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)?


Can you 'tie' the picture of stuffed animals with their Brand Name?

What is TY?


Let's get down to business, and defeat this clue. This movie is named for the main character who pretends to be a man so she can join the military.

What is Mulan?


I'll take one "Scoopie" of custard in the flavor of the day for dessert, at this Midwest favorite restaurant.

What is Culver's?


'Man' it'd be 'flawless' if you get this one correct. Here's some clues to what their videos include:

Trick Shots, Battles, Stereotypes, Absurd Recurds, Top 10, and more. 

Bonus points if you can also name their Talk Show.

What is DudePerfect?

Bonus: What is OverTime?


These energetic sporting dogs love playtime and brisk walks.

What is Cocker Spaniel?


These animals technically aren't stuffed, but made with a soft playable material. 

What are Squishies?


This movie feature an ancient seeing, and has many characters with unusual names, like: Yzma, Pacha, Kronk, Chicha, Chaca Tipo, and Kuzco.

What is The Emperor's New Grove


According to The Wiggles, this dish of mixed raw healthy foods is "yummy yummy." 

What is Fruit Salad?


This creator worked at NASA engineering outer space exploration devices before starting his channel.

Who is Mark Rober?


This is the breed of dog Misty was.

What is Yellow Lab (Labrador Retriever)?


These classic stuffed animals were named after President Theodore Roosevelt's nickname.

What is a Teddy Bear?