What Job do you build things?
What is a builder?
True or false, can a family have more then 2 people
What is false
How many hours of sleep should you get?
What is 8 hours
What is this emoji 🤑
What is money mouth face
When was Youtube created?
When is 2005
In what job can you perform an appendectomy
What is a general doctor?
What is a male parent called?
What is dad
How many percent of people have dreams in black and white?
What is 12 percent
What is this emoji 😡
What is anger emoji
When was the TV invented?
When is 1927
True or False? Woman and men get paid the same amount.
What is False
What is a female parent called?
What is mom?
How many hours does a giraffe need to sleep?
What is 2 hours
What is this emoji 🤡
What is clown emoji
When was the car radio invented?
When is 1886
In the show The Big Bang who are the main characters?
What is Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper
What do families do?
What is evrything
How many days can you go without sleep before you die?
What is 12 days?
What is this emoji 💩
What is pop emoji
Who invented the glass toaster?
Who is Frank Shailor
What job get's paid the most?
What is Physician?
How big is the biggest family?
What is 94 people?
If you have sleep deprivation what can increase your chances of?
What is diabetes, mellitus, heart disease, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and Diabetes
What date is nation world emoji day on?
When is 17 of July
What country did Voyager come from?
What is American?