In Your Dreams
Lead the Way
Are We There Yet?
On the Right Track
Christmas Vacation

How do you know that Joseph was Jacob's favorite son?

Jacob gave Joseph an ornate robe. He had to report back about his brothers.


Why did Moses have to run away from Egypt?

He tried to settle a conflict by killing someone.


Why were the Israelites complaining to Moses?

They had been traveling in the desert with no water for days.


Why did Moses send the twelve men to Canaan? 

They were sent to check out the land and the people who lived there.


True or False: John 1 says that Jesus was fully accepted by all people right away.

False. The world did not recognize or receive him.


What did Joseph's brothers decide to do about Joseph?

They got rid of him by selling him to traveling merchants for twenty pieces of silver.


What were some of the plagues that were brought down on Egypt? 

Water into blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of livestock, boils, locusts, hail, darkness, and the death of firstborns.


Can you name some of the commandments that remind us to love God? 

Put God first, worship God only, respect God’s name, and respect God’s day of rest; Exodus 20:3–8.


How did Joshua and Caleb show they trusted God? 

They told the people God was with them, God would give them the land, and to not be afraid.


Who came and spoke to Zechariah?

An angel.


Who did Joseph credit for giving him the ability to interpret dreams?



In what ways did God lead the Israelites across the wilderness? 

God led them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.


What did the Israelites ask Aaron to do? (while they were waiting for Moses on the mountain)

To make a god out of gold.


What command did God repeatedly give to Joshua once he became the new leader of the Israelites? 

“Be strong and courageous.”


What was the message the angel brought for Mary?

That she would have a baby named Jesus, the baby would be God’s own son.


Why were Joseph’s brothers afraid of him? 

They knew they had wronged him and thought he would seek revenge, especially now that he had the power to do so.


How did God provide the Israelites with food? 

God sent quail in the evening and manna in the morning.


Why was Moses no longer allowed into the Promised Land? 

He disobeyed God when he struck the rock instead of speaking to it.


What did Rahab do to protect the spies? 

She hid them, then told the king’s messengers that they went in a different direction.


Where did Mary place baby Jesus after he was born?

In a manger.


What made Matthew unpopular with people in his community?

He was a tax collector.


Who was sent to prepare the way for Jesus?

John the Baptist.


Who would lead the Israelites into the Promised Land instead?



What did God tell Joshua to do in order to defeat Jericho? 

March around the city for six days with seven priests carrying trumpets. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times.


Which two people did Mary and Joseph meet at the temple?

Simeon and Anna.