State the Facts
Highs & Lows
Classical Music
Fun Facts!
World History

The largest city in Pennsylvania

What is Philadelphia


The tallest mountain peak in the world

What is Mt Everest (29,029 ft or 8,848m)


This famous composer wrote Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Who is Mozart


Hummingbirds are native only to this continent/s

What are the Americas or North & South America


The first president of the United States

Who was George Washington


Fourth largest city in the US, by population

What is Houston


A record 8ft & 11in 

What is the tallest person to ever live


The smallest instrument in the orchestra

What is the piccolo


The game Angry Birds comes from this country

What is Finland


In 1994 a civil war in this country caused an estimated 660,000 deaths 

What is Rwanda (the genocide against the Tsuti)


They are 2 of the Native American tribes of Oklahoma (Jason at least 4 major)

What are Cherokee, Chicashaw, Choctaw, Muscogee/Creek & Seminole 

(also: Apache, Comanchi, Cheyenne/Arapaho, Osage, Delaware, Iowa, Miami, Kaw, Shawnee, Pawnee, Peoria, Wichita, Cayuga, Caddo, Quassarte, Potawatomi,  Kickapoo, Kiowa,  Modoc,  Ottawa,  Ponca, Quapaw, Sac & Fox, Seneca- Tonkawa, Wyandotte


The lowest point on the planet earth

What is the Challenger Deep in the southern part of the Mariana Trench (35,856 ft or 10,929m)


Hitler's favorite composer

Who was Wagner 

(most famous for Ride of the Valkyries from the Opera set The Ring of the Nibelung)


This moth is the largest in the world with a wingspan of 27 centimeters across (10.6 in)

What is the Atlas moth (found in South China)


Singapore separated from Malaysia on this date and it has been an independent sovereign country ever since 

When was 9 August 1965


One ancient & one modern they are both city-states

What are Athens, Sparta, Rome, Troy, Carthage


Singapore, Monaco, Vatican City

The oldest person in recorded history lived in this country and made it to the ripe old age of 122 yrs & 164 days

What is France (Jeanne Calment died in 1997)


Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev wrote this symphonic fair tale for children

What is Peter and the Wolf


The North Pole is part of this country

What is Denmark (Greenland territory)


This Empire conquered the maximum land area and was the largest empire in history, at 13.71 million sq miles

Who was the British Empire 

The Mongol Empire had the largest CONTINUOUS LAND empire in history


The smallest state in the USA, by area

What is Rhode Island


Ken Jennings won this many consecutive games and still holds the all-time record in Jeopardy history

What is 74 (2004)


The highest voice type in Opera and the voice type of Ariana Grande

What is a soprano


This island in the Aegean Sea is second in size only to the island of Crete

What is Evia


In 1959, seven nations laid claim on Antarctica, drawing lines and carving the continent like a pie chart. This country claims the largest piece of the pie. 

Who is Australia, with 42%

other 6 are: 

Argentina, Chile, France, N. Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom