Weight Management & Eating Disorders
Stress & Anxiety
(mental health)
Sleep & Cancer
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
MISC (consumerism, alcohol, public health)

True or False: There is risk of death associated with being both underweight and overweight.


What is an ineffective behavioral response to a stressor?

Binge eating, anger, aggression, drugs/tobacco


What are the 2 phases of sleep? (Full wording needed!)

Rapid eye movement (REM)

Non-rapid eye movement (Non-REM)


True or False: The cardiovascular system includes the heart, stomach, lungs, and blood vessels. 

False - heart, blood vessels, and blood


Where is the main site of alcohol metabolism?



Who is typically at a higher risk for disordered eating?

1. Females or Males?

2. Athletes or Non-athletes?

Females (90%), although males can also have disordered eating habits just not as prevalent (10%)

Athletes, especially those in weight-specific sports (14% vs 4%)


Describe 'cognitive appraisal' as it relates to potential responses to a stressor.

Perception of the stressor. 

Example: If you appraise the stressor as problematic, you are likely to elicit a higher stress response or reaction.


In what phase of sleep do dreams occur, along with increased respiration, blood pressure, and brain activity?

Rapid Eye Movement (REM)

List one visibly noticeable sign or symptom of congestive heart failure.

Labored or troubled breathing.

Swelling in the legs or ankles.


Describe a partner in public health. How does it further public health?

Media - spread of information, health education and promotion

Employers/Businesses - health insurance, wellness benefits and initiatives, healthy communities

Government Agencies - planning, education, health policies

Academia - education, training, research, service


State a specific eating disorder covered in this class.

Describe the pattern of behavior associated with the eating disorder.

Anorexia Nervosa:

Bulimia Nervosa

Exercise Bulimia

Binge Eating Disorder


Define: Hardiness 

Form of optimism or mental toughness. Used as a predictor of how someone may deal with stress.

"Hardy" people see stressors as a challenge to overcome, not a burden.


Describe the process, or formation, of cancer. 

Abnormal multiplication of cells that likely form a tumor, or mass.


A thrombus, also known as a ___________________, deprives an area of the body of its oxygen supply.

Blood clot

Differentiate public health from personal health.

Public Health - broader aspect of policy (tax, laws) and environmental changes (non-smoking areas) to enhance social justice of health.

Personal Health - individual decisions of people, lifestyle behaviors 


Describe the role of both 'nature' and 'nurture' in terms of weight management.

Nature - genetics account for ~40% of body weight/composition on average. We can inherit specific body types.

Nurture - lifestyle habits from culture and environment. Married couples often have similar behavioral patterns and body composition.

Which nervous system is activated during a challenge, or stress response?

Sympathetic Nervous System

Parasympathetic - rest and digest

Both part of autonomic nervous system (unconscious bodily processes)


State one type of cancer, and what poor lifestyle behavior it is most likely linked to. (Must be one discussed in class)

Lung or liver cancer - tobacco use

Prostate, colon or stomach cancer - poor diet/nutrition

Breast, colon, endometrial, prostate cancer - inactivity


What is a myocardial infarction?

Heart attack - blood supply is blocked to the heart


What is the criteria to classify an individual of both sexes as a 'binge' drinker? 

In other words, what are the guidelines for consuming alcohol in moderation?

Women - 1 drink/day

Men - 2 drinks/day


List and describe the 3 components of the female athlete triad.

Energy deficiency - disordered eating pattern.

Osteoporosis - low bone density often accompanied by being malnourished 

Menstrual disturbance - absence or irregular menstruations often accompanied by energy deficiencies


Describe 2 physiological changes occurring in the body during a stress response. 

Release of hormones (cortisol, endorphins, epinephrine)

Increased heart rate

Increased breathing


Hearing and vision become more acute


Explain sleep apnea. What is it, and what likely causes it? 

Bonus: What is the treatment or solution?

Loud snoring and halted breathing for periods of time while asleep.

Soft tissue is blocking airway, often because individual is overweight/obese. 

Sleep apnea machine (mask) provides increased pressure to prevent collapse of airway. 


What is angina pectoris?

Chest pain - likely related to a heart attack or blockage of blood flow.


1) What is a common incident of quackery in the realm of weight loss? Give an example.

2) How can you avoid quackery?

1) Pills, equipment, fad diets, and/or claims that are not proven to be successful. False advertising. 

2) Find original peer-reviewed or government regulated information, check author's or experts credentials, critically evaluate information to make informed decisions.