RT and T2D
free vs machine
RT and Weight Control

how did RT help with T2D when it comes to glucose

there was an increase in glucose uptake by the skeletal tissue which decreased blood glucose levels and helped with insulin resistance


what hormonal factors lead to sarcopenia

-decreased testosterone, androgens, and estrogens

-increased myostatin


free weight advantages

-incorporates multi- and single-joint

-wide variety

-mimics athletic or ergogenic tasks

-specificity to muscle activation

-greater metabolic contribution

-proprioception contribution

-small load increments


what is periodization

the systematic manipulation of the acute program variables over time with planned rest periods used to provide recovery


what is the typical increase in LBM in up to 6 months of RT (range)

0.3-2.0 kg


what happened to triglycerides in the study and why

lower after RT because the body doesn't need as much fat mobilization since glucose uptake is increased for energy use


what lifestyle factors lead to the hormonal factors that lead to sarcopenia

-decreased PA

-vitamin D deficiency

-anorexia of aging


machine advantages


-ease of use for novice

-guided through ROM thus less learning

-limited coordination or experience required

-isolation of muscle groups


what is a microcycle

periods where workouts are similar within, changes in stimuli are made between microcycles


when is the only time RT results in weight reduction

when there is a modification to diet!


what were some other benefits of RT in the study

muscle glycogen stores increased, SBP decreased, leisure and household PA scores went up because they had more energy to do these activities


what immunologic factors lead to sarcopenia, decreased fiber size, number and number of motor units

IL-1B, IL-G, TNF-a


free weight disadvantages

-greater technique/learning component

-safety concerns (spotter and instructor needed)

-coordination required for successful use

-specificity to muscle activation


what is linear periodization

progressive increase in intensity, with only small changes in each microcycle with a decrease in volume

(lower combo of sets x reps x weights)


participants in which type of intervention had smaller reductions in REE

aerobic had smaller reductions than strength


how did body comp change due to RT

-decrease in trunk fat mass

-no weight or waist circumference change, but there was an improvement in body comp

-lean mass increased


what is TNF-a

an inflammatory marker that when you have heightened inflammation can have an influence on a lot of bodily systems


machine disadvantages

-doesn't accomodate for all sizes

-limited movement pattern

-limited selection

-lack ability to increase weight in small increments



what is nonlinear periodization

variation in intensity and volume, could even be daily fluctuations and power training could be included


show the flow of resistance training to decreased body fat

RT -> increased muscle mass -> increased RMR -> increased total EE -> decreased body fat

RT -> increased fat oxidation -> decreased body fat


what does RT do to GLUT4

stimulates GLUT4 transporters to go to the surface and increases the translocation of GLUT4 which results in increased uptake of glucose


what do high levels of TNF-a do

directly causes a worsening of insulin resistance, direct inhibitory effect on beta cells, if it interferes with insulin activity, will lead to more sedentary lifestyle due to less energy to be active

this all leads to accumulation of more body fat and thus a cycle of "negativeness"


what is the overall summary of the machine vs free weight debate

for majority of clients, you could make a case for free weights or machines, it's not a clear cut answer


which type of periodization includes very heavy, heavy, moderate, and light days in the program



what were the four interventions from the study on RT and weight (all had a kcal restriction)

diet alone, aerobic alone, resistance alone, combo