Fitnessgram Components
Sociological Aspect Children Moving
Interdisciplinary Ch 1
Interdisciplinary Ch2
What is Back-Saver Sit and Reach, Shoulder Stretch
Socialization is the process through which children
What is aquire a sense of personal idenity. Learn what people in surronding culture believe. Discover how to behave according to the expectations of that culture.
A process in which two or more subject areas are intergrated with the goal of fostering enhanced learning in each subject area.
What is Interdisciplinary Education
Strategies for developing an interdisciplinary learning experience
What is review curricular guides and scope and sequences Select content Gather Content information Decide on a Interdisciplinary Model Create lesson plans, including specific activities Determine scheduling, materials, equipment, organization, facilities Decide how to assess student learning.
Mandated Fitness Test for all 5th, 7th, 9th grade studentes in California
What is Fitnessgram
Pacer, Mile Run and Walk Test
What is Aerobic Capactiy
Physical Education Teacher teach these social skills
What is Following rules and procedures Using approporiate etiquette for an activity Practicing physical skill in a safe manner Behaving ethically in movement setting Developing the skills of cooporation and team work Interacting with other in a positive manner
Benefits of Interdisciplinary Education
What is provides new ways to present and use concepts Encourage critical thinking skills Builds in students a colloborative approach to learning Motivates students because learning if fun and meaningful Encourages teachers to colloborate and understand other subject area Increases the ability to recognize and accept multiple perspectives Nutures divergent and creative thinking Teaches students to use multiple sources to approach an issue Demonstrates transfer of knowledge from one learning context to another
types of alternative assessment strategies
What is student portofolis project logs journals interviews debates observations self-assesssments role-playing event tasks checklists rating scales Video analysis
Fitnessgram is also known as
What is the PFT
Skin Fold, Body Mass Index, Bioelectric Impedance Analyzers Test
What is Body Compistion Test
The teacher's role in teaching social skills
What is Know what kind of behavior he/she whishes to see. Develop a plan for making certain that is the kind of behavior that occours
this model uses a simple approach in which content from one subject area is used to augement or supplement the learning experience in another subject area
What is the Connected Model
Consider the following concepts when developing assessments
What is assessment instrument must be consistent with objectives Assessments must enable students to demonstrate learning. Assessments must be reliable and consistent over time Assessment must be understood by students, parents, and admistrators
The results of the PFT are reported to parents in the
What is Activitygram
Abdominal Stength and Endurance Test
What is Curl-Up Test
Beliefs in developing a plan to teach social skills
What is Social interaction is a learnable skill Children our responsible for their own behavior Children are valued members of learning community Students learn best through student-centered activities Teachers should model appropriate behavior
This model emphasizes the linkage of similar topics, concepts, or skills from two or more subject areas taught collaboratively with another teacher
What is the Shared Model
Include these partners in developing a successful support network
What is adminstrators, students, colleagues and parents
The number of time as student is tested using Fitnessgram
What is once a year
Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibilty Test
What is Trunk Lift
Hellision's Responsibility Goals
What is Respect for the rights and feeling of others Effort and Participation Self-direction Helping others and leadership Transfer to life outside of Physical Education
this model is defined by equal representation of two or more subject areas, the skills, topics, and concepts are blended together so that learning takes place simultaneously in all subject areas.
What is the Partnership Model
Ways you can develop collaborative efforts with colleagues
What is see page 27 in textbook
The five components of Fitnessgram
What is Aerobic Capacity, Body Composition, Musclar Strength, Muscular Endurance, and Flexibility