Anyone's Guess
Extra Helping of Leftovers

What model is this picture of & give an example of how it is used?

stimulus ID → response selection → response execution 

Information Processing Model of Motor Performance 

Stimulus ID: seeing a stop light at an intersection (red)

Response Selection: based on the color of the light decide to go, slow down, or stop (stop)

Response Execution: press the brake pedal


Classify: riding an electric scooter across campus on a Monday at 10am while carrying your gym bag

Body stability, object manipulation, in-motion regulatory conditions, inter-trial variability 


What are AE and VE, and what do they measure?

AE: Absolute Error measures the magnitude of error (General Accuracy)

VE: Variable Error measures the consistency of the performance 


Classify: running down Guadalupe, phone in hand, trying to catch the next bus up ahead,

Body transport, object manipulation, in-motion regulatory conditions, inter-trial variability 


What are the 3 things that Tactile Sensory Information provides us?

Pain, temperature, & movement 


1. List the 3 types of proprioceptors 

2. Define each type

3. Which serves as sensory cells as well?

1. Muscle spindles* also sensory cells - most important

2. Golgi Tendon Organs: rate of muscular tension change 

3. Joint Receptors: static and dynamic position of the joint 


What are the 2 components of the Diencephalon and what are their functions?

1. Thalamus: router/super computer; determines where in the brain to send incoming messages to

2. Hypothalamus: homeostasis, circadian rhythms...