What were the consequences of Adam and Eve's sin?
They lost the right relationship with God.They suffered and died .
Who were Zachariah and Elizabeth?
Zachariah was a priest and Elizabeth was his wife.They were righteous people,but they were old and could not have a baby.
What did the angel Gabriel tell Mary?
She would be come the mother of the Messiah ,the King.
What God promises after Adam and Eve sinned?
God promises that a man descended from Eve would crush the serpent 's head,destroying satan's power.
God promises the Messiah.
An angel visited Zachariah in the temple. What did he said?
He said that Elizabeth would have a baby named John.
Why did this promise seem impossible ?
Mary was a virgin .she was not married and had never acted like she was married.
What did God promise Abraham?
God promised that one of his descendants would bless the earth 🌎
What was John going to do?
John was going to prepare people to believe in Jesus by teaching them about sin,repentance and forgiveness .
So how could Mary have a baby?
TheHoly Spirit would cause her to became pregnant.
What did God promised Judah?
God promised that on of his descendants would rule the earth.
Did Zachariah believe?
At first he did not ,so he could not talk .but when the boy was born,he named him John and could speak again.
What did the angel Gabriel tell Joseph?
He should take Mary as his wife,because her baby was from God,the Savior that Isaiah had talk about long ago.
What sign did God give the house of David to prove that it would not be destroyed?
He promised that a virgin would have a baby named Immanuel,which means " God with us" Since the Messiah would be born from the line of David ,the line of David could not be destroyed.