What sound does the (ch) make?
like chip
You should always begin your sentence with what kind of letter?
What year is it?
What is the name of lady who comes to read to us on Mondays?
One More and One Less
___ 8 ___
7 & 9
What sound does (th) make?
/th/ like Thirsty.
What do we use at the end of a sentence?
A period
What day of the week is tomorrow?
What brothers did Mrs.Foss and Ms.Smith dress as for halloween?
Mario and Luigi
What sound does (sh) make?
/sh/ like ship
What do you need between words?
What day of the week is it today?
Today is Tuesday.
What should you do before crossing the road?
Look both ways
What are the missing numbers
1 2 3 _ 5 6 7 8 _ 10
4 & 9
What is a word that rhymes with cat?
Pat Mat etc
Who writes the words in a book?
Who is our Art teacher?
Ms. Knowlton
What is the name of the cowboy from Toy Story?
Count to 100 by 10's
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
How many syllables are in the word baseball?
Who draws the pictures in a book?
the illustrator
Who is our principal?
Mr. Holmes
What is the word that describes something that is clear like glass? (Hint not solid)
Mrs.Foss walked 4 miles and Ms.Smith walked 3 miles. How many miles did they walk all together?
7 miles