What is one of the primary colors?
Red, Yellow, or Blue
What shape is made out of a curved line?
What do I need to do with my paintbrush before switching colors?
I need to give the brush a bath or wash my brush.
When I say "Class, Class" you say "___________".
"Yes, Yes"
Zig Zag, Curvy, Curly, Loop de Loop, and Dotted are all examples of what?
What is one of the secondary colors?
Green, Orange, Purple
Name 2 shapes that are made of straight lines.
Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Hexagon, etc.
Do I turn the paper or turn the scissors when I cut?
Turn the paper.
What is a quiet touchdown?
When you put your head down quietly on your desk and wait for instructions.
What is my number one rule?
Do not talk when the teacher is talking.
What 2 colors do you mix to make purple?
Red and Blue
If a shape has a gap in the line is it still a shape?
No, it is a line pretending to be a shape.
What do I need to do with my markers before putting them away and why?
Put the cap on so they don't dry out.
What do I do if I have a question, comment, or concern?
Raise my hand.
A line is a ________ that goes for a __________.
A line is a DOT that goes for a WALK.
Things that are hot or Warm are usually these colors. What is one of my Warm colors?
Red, Orange, or Yellow
Where would I find organic shapes?
Outside in nature.
What do I need to do to get Tempura paints started?
Add water with your brush.
What is Art Land?
A game that we play at the end of class where we get to move spaces depending on how we behave. When we get to a star space we get a free day in art.
Things that are cold or COOL are these 3 colors. What are my 3 COOL colors?
Blue, Green, and Purple
What is the order of the colors in a rainbow?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple
Geometric shapes have __________ and organic shapes do not.
Straight lines and corners
When painting why do we usually outline our drawings in crayons?
It keeps the paint from going outside of the lines.
What is a noise level 0, what is a noise level 1, and what is a noise level 2?
No talking, whisper, and table talk.
If I accidentally make a mess what do I need to immediately do?
Get the teacher or an adult and help clean it up.