Let the Lite Shine
The Snuggle is Real
Heavy Metal Headbangers
Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Reach Out and Touch Someone

Who should come to a lite meeting?

Principal, Kindergarten teacher, SPED members applicable to the student.  ex:  SLP, Resource, OT


Prior to the transition meeting, what forms can you prepare ahead of time in Embrace?

Add a second Service and Placement Page, and Change of Placement page if needed.


When can you hold a Heavy meeting without a parent?

Never!  Parents need to be a part of this meeting, because you are discussing "heavy items"  Major changes to the service pattern, etc.


How long does an average chicken live?

5 to 10 years depending on the breed


Who contacts the parents for a Heavy Meeting?

Each teacher is responsible for scheduling with each of their own students parents.


Who fills out the times for the meetings on the district spreadsheet

The lead teacher listed on the bottom of each page on the spreadsheet is responsible for scheduling the times for each meeting.


When is a Change of Placement form needed?

If the student is currently listed in a "special class" and is moving to speech only or resource.  


Where should a Heavy meeting be held?

At the students home school, unless parents have requested otherwise.


Who should you invited to come observe your moderate students to help you make the decision of resource vs essential elements?

Coordinators:  (Kellie/Fran, Laura, Kayleen)

Resource Teacher

Essential Elements Teacher


What information do you need to share with the kindergarten staff prior to the meeting?  (in regard to scheduling the transitions?)

They only need the times they need to be there, and maybe the First name and Initial of last name.

How long should a lite meeting typically last?

No more than 10 minutes.

What is our district's motto for the year?

Educating students for success in a changing world.


When would you recommend a resource placement?

If the student can keep up with the kindergarten requirements, with support---

(pull out services for extra practice, or extra support in the classroom, etc.)


If a student has an IEP due before Oct. 1st, what do you do?

The preschool team will hold an IEP outside the transition day.  It is best if preschool staff contacts the SPED kinder staff and gets recommendations of goals to add to new IEP prior to the meeting.

***  No annual IEP should be held during a transition meeting


What year was the telephone invented?



What do you type in the Parent Contact section in Embrace after a lite meeting?

Record the date that the parents were contacted and their support or lack of support for the proposed recommendations.


What dates need to be changed on the service and placement forms?

In the current S&P form, change the end date to be the day before kindergarten begins.

In the new S&P form, change the start date to be the first day of kindergarten, and the end date will be the current end date of the current IEP.


When would you recommend an EE placement over a resource placement?

If the students' needs are so significant that the curriculum would need to be changed to adapt to their level of functioning.


What are the 3 paperwork items you need to bring to all transition meetings?  (Lite and Heavy)

1.  The BDF File

2.  at least 3 copies of the DOT (One for the file)

3.  A current Progress Report (can be from last PTC, you don't need to write a new one for the meeting.  You will write a new one at the end of the year.)


Who is responsible for contacting the kindergarten school team?

Whom ever is listed on the district spreadsheet.  Each school has an assigned person to be the contact with the school.


What information needs to be shared at a lite meeting?

Briefly discuss current services, and recommended services needed for kindergarten.


What is the statement that needs to be added to the Other Factors box on the service and placement page?

As per parent notice and approval, preschool service minutes will be discontinued and new adjustments will take effect the first day of kindergarten.  This form was signed by all participants on ............  at the kindergarten transition meeting.


What are the steps of a Heavy meeting?

1.  Introductions

2.  Review current IEP goals

3.  Discuss data from DOT, CBA's, Boot Camp

4.  Discuss recommendations for kindergarten

5.  Record recommendations on Service and Placement page

6.  Write effective date for new services

7.  Fill out Change of Placement effective first day of kindergarten (if needed)

8.  Make/Send copy for/to parents


What is the last thing you do after the transition is completed?

send home copies of all new paperwork


What do you do if parents DO NOT support the recommended services proposed?

Either adjust the times to all the team members' satisfaction or call an IEP meeting to discuss the students program in greater depth and determine services at the IEP meeting.