In Person

My friend dropped her phone. What should I do?

Pick it up and give it to her


A random number texts you and starts asking you personal questions. What should you do?

Block that number and don't respond


You see $20 at school. You aren't sure who's they are. What do you do?

You can go to the main office/MUDD and turn the money in, or you can ask around to see if anyone lost $20.


Somebody said that they didn't like your best friend. Do you tell her?

Your choice is our rejoice, unless we disagree


A stranger posts a video of something. You think that their video was dull. What do you say?

Don't write anything negative to another account. Imagine being on the other side of the screen. How would you feel if someone did that to you?


You see someone sitting alone at lunch or recess. How do you approach them, or introduce them into your friend group?

You can go up to them and ask if they are OK or want to sit you and your friend group. If they say yes you can help them met the people you hang out with. If not then exit the conversation politely. 


You are with people who you aren't comfortable with. How do interact with them?  

Try to find a topic that you both agree on and make small talk.


A classmate from school starts saying mean things online. You feel like they are intentionally bulling you. What should you do?

Tell your parents or a trusted adult. They can help you confront your classmate.


One of your friends lost their ID card. They don't know their number and are unable to search for a last name. How can you help?

You might be able to purchase something for them or if you feel uncomfortable doing that you can ask for a replacement card or for their number 


A classmate you don't want to work with, wants to partner up with you. You know that if you are partnered, you won't get any work done. How do you politely decline?

Tell them that you work better independently or tell them you are afraid that the two of you will goof around.


You find yourself endlessly scrolling through social media platforms. Your posture is destroyed and you aren't feeling to good. What should you do?

Go outside for a walk. It will make you feel a lot better.


You hear someone crying in a bathroom. You aren't good friends with them but you know them. What should you do?

Free choice


You have four friends that you want to invite to disneyland. You can only invite three. Do you tell the fourth person? If you do, how?

Tell them but explain your situation. They will understand. It is worse to keep it from them and have them find out later.


You post something on a social media website. Someone writes in the comments, "I see that it is daytime where you are. It is nighttime for me. Where do you live?" How do you respond?

Do not respond. Delete that comment and any comment similar to that


You catch someone cheating on a math test. How do you report them in a respectful way and make sure they can tell their side of the story.

First go to a trusted adult and explain the situation to them. Then wait for the adult to talk to the other student before interfering more.