What should we use instead of trash talking to show respect to others?
Kind words
what does it mean to play safetly during recess or any game?
follow the rules and avoid rough behaviour
What should you do before borrowing a friend’s pencil?
Ask for their permission.
What should you say if you accidentally bump into someone?
“I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
What can you say to include someone in a game?
Do you want to join us?
why is it important to be respectful in the classroom
it helps everyone feel safe, valued and able to learn
if someone ask you to stop touching their personal space or belongings, what should you do?
stop and apologize
Why is it important to respect other people’s belongings?
Because it shows we care about their feelings and property.
What can you do to make things right after hurting someone’s feelings?
Apologize and ask how you can help.
How can you encourage a teammate who is struggling in a game?
You can do it!” or “Keep trying!”
what should you do if someone accidentally hurts your feelings with their words?
tell them respectfully how you feel and tell them to please stop or tell an adult
why is it important to follow the rules during games?
to make sure everyone has fun
What is the right thing to do if you accidentally take something that doesn’t belong to you?
Return it and apologize.
If two friends are arguing and can’t agree, what should they do?
Ask a teacher or an adult for help.
Why is it important to include everyone in games and activities?
So everyone feels welcome and has fun.
how can you show kindness and respect when the opposing team wins
say, goodjob!!
give, "five high"
"good game"
How can you show respect for personal space during games?
Keep a safe distance and avoid physical contact unless the game allows it.
How can you make sure everyone feels included during playtime?
Invite them to join or ask if they’d like to play.
What should you do if you realize you made a mistake?
Apologize and try to fix the problem.
What should you do if someone on your team makes a mistake?
Encourage them and remind them it’s okay to make mistakes.
when is Ms. Andreas Birthday
Jan 3
what is Ms Andrea's current favorite video game
What does it mean to “keep your hands off things that don’t belong to you”?
Don’t touch or take other people’s belongings without asking.
Why is it important to ask for help if you can’t solve a problem on your own?
So you can find a fair solution and avoid making things worse.
who's Ms. Andreas favorite student? very tricky question?? think about it???
I dont have a favorite student, she loves everyone even the students that get in trouble with me a lot <3