What is bullying?
Is a negative behavior directed by someone trying to have power and control over someone else. They have the intent to hurt, harm, and humiliate.
What is a bystander?
Someone who sees bullying happening and does not know what do.
What does it mean to be kind?
The definition is different for everyone....but it can mean helping someone else with a task, helping someone else feel heard, putting someone else before yourself, being courageous, etc.
It is always easy to be kind
Juan, a 5th-grade student posted a comment online about Miles that wasn't true. Is this bullying?
Yes, this is cyberbullying.
What is emotional bullying?
It hurts people on the inside and makes them feel bad about themselves.
What is an upstander?
Someone who stands up to bullying
Say at least one kind statement, compliment, or expression of appreciation to a person in your group.
Remember to be kind!
It takes courage and hard work to be a upstander
A group of 6th-grade girls calls Azucena names, start rumors and encourage others not to talk to her. Is this bullying?
Yes, this is bullying.
Give one example/action of physical bullying
Hitting, biting, kicking, pushing and shoving, fighting, tripping, yelling at someone, making rude gestures, and taking or breaking another person’s things.
Is conflict the same thing as bullying?
No, it is not.
A conflict is a disagreement or argument where both sides see something or a solution differently.
Name 3 acts of kindness in 30 seconds!
Anyone can be a bully
Susana and Amara have been best friends. They got into an argument and Amara now claims that Julie is her best friend. Susana is hurt. Is this bullying?
No, this is not bullying. It is a conflict.
Give one example/action of verbal bullying
Teasing, name-calling, threats, mean jokes, rumors, gossips, saying things about someone else that are not true.
Is telling on someone (telling a grown-up) when they are bullying a student the same as tattling?
No, telling is not the same as tattling.
Telling = You do it to protect yourself or another student.
Tattling = You do it to get someone in trouble
Sometimes we aren't always kind. If you make a mistake and do something unkind, how can you make it right?
Personal answer
There is only one certain "type" of person that is the target of bullying.
False, anyone can be a target.
You are chatting with your friend online and they start saying mean things about you. You don’t feel good when this happens. What should you do?
Positive Answer
Ex: Tell an adult
State one example of cyberbullying
Sending mean text messages, spreading rumors online, posting videos or stories online to hurt/make fun of others, making negative comments about someone online, agreeing with someone that made a hurtful comment about someone else.
State one stand up action you can do to stop bullying.
(What can you do?)
Be a buddy, interrupt, speak out, tell someone.
Name 5 acts of kindness in 40 seconds? Ready!?
Hurry, Hurry!
It is tattling when you tell an adult about the bullying that is happening or that happened.
You notice one of your friends is teasing and making fun of another student in the class. What should you do?
Positive answer
Ex: Interrupt, tell your friend that what they are doing is wrong and to stop.