Consider an object that is thrown horizontally with a speed of 15 m/s from a cliff.

List 3 kinematic variables that you know about this object.

Vx = 15 m/s

Voy = 0 m/s

ay = -9.8 m/s^2


In projectile motion, what is "special" about projectile motion in the X-direction?

There is no acceleration in the X-direction.


For an object in projectile motion, what do you know when the object is at its max height (or at the peak of its trajectory?)

The velocity in the y-direction is 0.


Consider a velocity vector at an angle. How would you find the X and Y components of the vector, if the angle was given with respect to the vertical axis?

Vx = Vsin(theta)

Vy = Vcos(theta)


Snoopy and Woodstock are on the edge of a cliff. Snoopy throws a ball horizontally off the cliff. At the same time, Woodstock drops his ball from rest. Both balls start at the same height. Which ball hits the ground first?

Both hit at the same time. 


You throw a ball and it has the trajectory of a projectile. If you neglect air resistance, what is the ball's acceleration at the peak of its trajectory?


If you dropped two bricks from rest, but brick 1 had twice the mass of brick 2 (and there is no air resistance) then which is true?

A: The acceleration of brick 1 is twice as big compared to brick 2 due to its mass. 

B: Brick 1 will hit the ground with twice the velocity as brick 2

C: Both bricks will hit the ground at the same velocity

C: they hit the ground at the same velocity


Which section illustrates the GREATEST acceleration?