Projectiles 1D
Projectiles 2D

A skier was gliding downhill at 15 m/s. How long did it take her to ski the 630 m to the base of the hill?



Use the table at the below to determine the object’s acceleration in the first 5 seconds.How far does the object travel in those 5 seconds?

Time/s Velocity / ms-1

0    0.6

1   9.5

2   13.0

3   16.5

4   20.0

5   23.5

a = 4.6ms-2

s= 60.3m


An orienteer runs north at 5 m/s for 120 seconds, and then west at 4 m/s for 180 seconds. 

What is the resultant displacement with respect to the starting position? 



A ball launched vertically upward from the ground reaches a maximum height of 30 meters above the surface of Earth. 

At it’s maximum height the speed is …

How long is the ball in the air?

0 m/s and 4.9s


A rugby player attempts a kick after scoring a try. The ball was kicked at an angle of 55 degrees with an initial resultant velocity of 18 m/s.

What was the initial horizontal velocity?

What was the initial vertical velocity?




Bobsleds accelerate from rest to high speeds in a few seconds. 

If one sled's speed increased from 0 to 32 m/s in 8 seconds, what was its average acceleration during that time period ? 

How far did the sled travel down the track in the 8 seconds ?



Explain which graph best represents the relationship between the acceleration of an object falling freely near the surface of Earth and the time that it falls? (See image printed)



An object travels 5km west 4km north and 2 km east.  At the end of the motion what is…

The total distance travelled?

The overall displacement?

11 km and 5km


A ball is thrown straight upward with an initial speed of 24.0 m/s.

  1. Determine the maximum height reached by the ball.

  2. Determine the time to reach maximum height.

  3. Determine the velocity of the ball when it returns to the ground.

1.29 .4 m 

2. 2.4 s

3. 24 m/s


A projectile is launched at an angle of 37 o above the horizontal. The initial velocity is 50 m/s. 

If the projectile is in flight for 5 seconds, calculate the range.



A runner completes 6.5 laps around a 400 m circular track (the track is a perfect circle) during a 12 minute run test. 

Calculate the following quantities:
a. The distance the runner covered

b. The runner’s displacement at the end of 12 minutes


b. 127m


Which graph shows an object slowing uniformly? (see image)



Find the resultant vector from the following coordinates. (Magnitude )

11 m S and 6 m W

7.5 m N and 3.5 m E

500 m W and 400 m N

7 m E and 12 m S 

12.5 m 

8.3 m 

640 m

15 m 


A soccer ball is kicked horizontally at 15.8 m/s off the top of a field house and lands 33.9 meters from the base of the field house.  Determine the height of the field house.

22.6 m


A projectile is launched at an angle of 30o above the horizontal. The initial velocity is 35 m/s and it is in the air for 3.0 s.

  1. Determine the projectiles range.

  2. Determine the projectiles altitude.

1 91 m

2. 16 m


An astronaut drops a hammer from 2.0 meters above the surface of the Moon. If the acceleration due to gravity on the Moon is 1.62 ms-2, how long will it take for the hammer to fall to the Moon’s surface?

1.57 s


Which object experiences no overall displacement during the interval shown?



Calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. 

[Hint: resolve into components first] see image printed

-20 ms-1


Rex Things throws his mother's crystal vase vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 26.2 m/s.

Determine the vase’s height at its peak.

How long is the vase in the air?

What is the vase’s speed just before it lands?





A long jumper leaps with an initial  horizontal velocity of 9.5 m/s at an angle of 40° to the horizontal. 

Calculate the maximum height  



A skater increases her speed with constant acceleration from 22 m/s to 30 m/s over a 4 second duration. 

(b) What distance will she travel in the 4 seconds? 

(d) What will her velocity be after skating 30 m? 

(e) How long will it take her to cover the first 50 m? 

b. 104m

d.  24.6m/s

e. 2.08s


Explain what happens in each numbered section of the graph above.

Construct a velocity-time graph to match the position-time graph above.

See images

1 - constant positive velocity 

2- at rest 

3 - positive acceleration 

4- deceleration or negative acceleration

5- at rest 

See image 


The diagram below depicts all the forces acting on an object.  Use both vector resolution and vector addition to find the final resultant force acting on the box.  see image printed 

11 N 


A stone is dropped into a deep well and is heard to hit the water 3.41 s after being dropped.

How deep is the well?

What is the stone’s speed just before it hits the bottom of the well?

57.0 m

-33.5 ms-1


A tennis ball is served just above the baseline at 16ms-1 at an angle 50° to the horizontal. The court is 23.8 meters long. 

How long does it take for the tennis ball to reach its peak?

How far in front of/behind the baseline does the ball land?


2= 24.7 m so 1.1 m past the line