Assorted Flagellates and Calculations

What is torque

A force that causes rotation


When you look at the speedometer while driving, what are you seeing?

Instantaneous velocity


A ball is thrown straight up. At its peak, the velocity is

0 m/s


At the instant a ball is thrown at a high speed an identical ball is dropped from the same height. Which will hit the ground first?

They will land at the same time


Will tying a rope as show increase torque on the bolt? Explain.

No. As the rope is at a right angle to the wrench, the lever arm is the same length.

The equation for torque

T = L x F


A bike goes 5 m in 1 s, 5 m again in the second second, and 5 m again in the third second. What is the acceleration?

0 m/s2


A ball is thrown straight up, on the way up, its acceleration is 

-10 m/s2


At what part of a path does a projectile launched at a 40 degree angle have minimum speed?

Top of its path


You find yourself on a distant planet with different gravity than Earth's. You drop a rock from 55 m and the rock strikes the ground 1.9 s later. How many times greater is the acceleration due to gravity than Earth's own?

g = 30.5 m/s2
About 3x the gravity

At what angle is torque most efficiently applied

90 degrees to the lever arm


A bike goes 5 m in 1 s, 5 m again in the second second, and 5 m again in the third second. What is the velocity?

5 m/s


If a projectile is launched straight up at 40 m/s, what is the total time needed to return to its starting point?

8 seconds


A baseball is thrown upward at a 30 degree angle and lands on a target at the same level from which it was thrown. At what other angle could a baseball be thrown with the same velocity to land at the same target?

60 degrees


maritrema subdolum


Calculate the torque produced by at 35 N force appleid perpendicular to a 0.2 m lever arm.

7 Nm


How much time does it take for a car with an acceleration of 7 m/s2 to go from 14 to 35 m/s?

3 s


A stone is dropped from a bridge. It falls for 16 seconds. How fast is it traveling at impact?

160 m/s


A boat is crossing a river to the north at 3 km/hr with a eastern cross current at 10 km/hr. What is the resulting velocity of the boat?

10.4km/hr at 16.7o N of E


Kyle throws a ball from ground level with a speed of 30 m/s at an angle of 30o. It lands at the same level at which it is thrown. What is the maximum height and range?

DY = 11.25m

DX = 38.97m


Two children sit on a see-saw. A 200 N kid sits 5 m from the fulcrum. If the other kid is 300 N, how far should they sit to balance the see-saw?

L = 3.3m


During a speed test, a car accelerates from rest at 0.002 mi/s. How far does it go if the car travels for 7 seconds.

0.049 mi


Your egg drop fell 7 m, for how long was it in the air?

1.18 seconds


A steel ball is shot by a cannon horizontally from a 180 m cliff. If the initial speed is 90 m/s what is the horizontal range?

Time = 6s

Range = 540 m

