What does Kinesiology mean?
The study of how the body moves
What movement are you doing when you do a flexion?
Bringing one bone closer to another bone
What movement are you doing when you do an extension?
Bringing one bone further away from another
What direction is the sagittal plane?
Is your head superior or inferior to your heart?
What does anatomy mean?
To cut open
What movement are you doing when you do a dorsoflexion?
Flexing the foot upwards
What movement are you doing when you do plantar flexion?
Flexing the foot downward
What direction is the coronal/frontal plane?
Side to side
When you are writing an essay, are your hands on the anterior or posterior side of your body?
What is kinetics?
Forces acting inside and outside the body
What movement are you doing when you do an inversion?
The sole of the foot is facing inward
What movement are you doing when you do an eversion?
The sole of the foot is facing outward
What direction is the transverse plane?
When doing an inversion, is the sole of your foot facing medial or lateral?
What is Kinematics?
The study of movement against force
What movent are you doing when you do an external rotation?
Rotating a body part away from the midline
What movement are you doing when you do an internal rotation?
Rotating a body part towards the midline
When you are doing a jumping jack, what plane are you moving in?
Compared to your knee, is your foot proximal or distal from your axial skeleton?
What is arthrokinematics?
The movement of joint surfaces
What movement are you doing when you do an adduction?
Bringing a body part closer to the midline
What movement are you doing when you do an abduction?
Bringing a bodypart away from the midline
When you are hula-hooping, what plane are you moving in?
Is the origin or isertion always proximal?