Who's That?
God's Power
and Misfortune
Solomon's Wisdom
Building the Temple

This man was Solomon's father.

Who is King David?


When God appeared unto Solomon in Gibeon, this is what He asked Solomon.

What is, "What shall I give thee?"


This action from King Solomon led to his downfall and God's anger upon him.

What is he loved many strange women and worshiped their gods?


This was one of the first things that Solomon did to show that he was serving the Lord.

What was making sacrifices to the Lord?


This was the type of wood that Solomon used for the Temple.

What is Cedar?


This was the title of the individual who travelled to witness king Solomon's wealth and wisdom first hand.

Who is the Queen of Sheba?

When the priests brought the Ark into the Temple for the first service, this is what filled the Temple.

What is the presence of the Lord in a cloud?


When Solomon married these women, they turned his _______ away from the Lord?

What is his heart?


True or False: Solomon was the wisest and richest man that ever lived.

What is TRUE?


True or False: All of the stones made for the Temple were not cut until they arrived in Jerusalem.

What is False? (I Kings 6:7)


This was the name of the king that aided Solomon in providing supplies for the Temple.

Who is King Hiram of Tyre?


Because she witnessed Solomon's wealth and she had all her questions answered by him, the Queen of Sheba gave glory to ______.

Who is the Lord/ God?


This is how many wives of other nations Solomon had.

What is 700?


This was the first display of Solomon's wisdom.

What was figuring out who the true mother of the baby was by testing the responses of each woman if the baby was to be cut in two?


This was the material that was laid over every surface inside the Temple.

What is pure gold?

This was the man that God prepared to take the throne after Solomon. (10 out of the 12 tribes)

Who is Jeroboam?


This was God's promise to Solomon that if Solomon did this, he would have a strong kingdom and a long life.

What is "walk in My ways and keep My commandments."?


True or False: Solomon allowed the worship of false gods and built altars for them in the last years of his reign.

What is True?


When Solomon was speaking to the Lord in Gibeon, he called himself a "little child." This is the character trait that he was showing.

What is Humility?


This was the material that made up the pillars and basins outside the Temple. 

What is brass/ bronze?


This was the name of the prophet that spoke to Jeraboam about taking over the kingdom.

Who is Ahijah?


When Solomon asked the Lord for wisdom, these are the things that God gave Solomon, even though he didn't ask for it.

What is wealth, fame, power?


When Solomon learned that Jeroboam would take the kingdom from his son, this is what he tried to do to Jeraboam.

What is kill him?


After the first service in the Temple, this was the main theme of Solomon's message to the people.

What is "remember the Lord and obey His commands."?


God appeared unto Solomon after the construction of the Temple and made a warning to Solomon about Israel obeying or abandoning God. What would God destroy to use as a reminder of their mistake if Israel disobeyed the Lord?

What is the Temple?