In this modern drama, we follow one of two brothers who made choices that ultimately drew him away from Jehovah. Name the drama.
What is the Prodigal Returns?
The time Jesus began ruling as king of God's kingdom
What is 1914?
Someone who is qualified to preach publicly with the congregation
What is an Unbaptized Publisher?
Allows you to listen to kingdom music, view literature, and watch videos without internet connection.
What is JW Library?
When a service group would meet at a publisher's home to study a Bible publication
What is a book study?
A modern drama where one sister demonstrated the results of marrying in the Lord and the other choosing not to
What is "What is True Love?"
When the other sheep were identified as having an earthly hope
What is 1935?
A full time evangelizer
What is a Pioneer?
Allows you to view material directly from the headquarters such feature films, interviews and experiences, and material made for families
What is JW Broadcasting?
A radio station used to effectively spread the kingdom message through Bible lectures, music, and Bible drama reenactments
What is WBBR?
A Bible drama that follows two families as they flee Jerusalem to live in a foreign land
What is "Walk by Faith, Not by Sight"?
When the Revised New World Translation was published and released
What is 2013?
Assists the body of elders, render practical services, and sets good examples as Christian men
What is a Ministerial Servant?
Allows you to view archived Bible publications dating back to the 1900s
What is Online Library or WOL.
A book used to study with interested ones before it was replaced with the "What Can the Bible Teach Us book"
What is the "What Does the Bible Really Teach book"
A Bible drama re-enacting the results of Israel's complaining spirit against Moses
What is "Respect Jehovah's Authority"?
When Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman Army
What is 70 C.E?
These one live and work together, study the Bible together, and preach together as a spiritual family to support the production of spiritual food
What is a Bethelite?
Provides instructions on communicating with the hearing impaired
What is JW Sign Language?
A brief written presentation given to the householder to read
What is a Testimony Card?
A Bible drama that shows how Jehovah's promises always come true
What is "Not One Word has Failed"?
A worldwide flood happened this year
what is 2370 BCE
The faithful and discreet slave
What is the Governing Body?
Allows you to learn certain phrases to expand your ministry in other countries or your own territory
What is JW Language App?
An innovative combination of moving pictures, sound recordings, and colored glass slides
What is the Photo Drama of Creation?