This is the book of Wisdom we were just studying.
What is Proverbs?
Number of books in the Bible
What is 66?
He slew the giant Goliath with a slingshot
Who is David?
This book tells the creation story
What is Genesis?
Which teachers at ECS are sisters?
Mrs. Bache and Mrs. Kelley
Main author known for writing the Book of Wisdom.
Who is Solomon?
Number of authors of the Bible
What is 40?
This person forgave his brothers after being sold into slavery
Who is Joseph?
Book that tells how everything will end and talks Jesus riding back on a white horse
What is Revelations?
Where did Dr. Stark go to college?
Georgia Tech
Mother of the author of the Book of Wisdom
Who is Bathsheba?
The recent discovery of this in 1947 helped validate the authenticity of the Bible
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Prostitute who hid the 2 spies
Who is Rahab?
For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son that whoever believes will never die but have everlasting life is found in this book.
John 3:16
Which teacher has the most children at ECS
Mrs. Boone
A nagging wife is compared to this.
What is a dripping faucet?
The prophet that made fire burn up the sacrifice soaked with water on the mountain
Who is Elijah?
He persecuted the early Christians before he was radically converted
Who was Saul/Paul?
"In the beginning God created the earth..."
Genesis 1:1
Who is the Dean of ECS?
Mrs. Gay
When you spare the rod, this occurs
What is spoil the child?
Country where Jerusalem is located in
What is Israel?
This hero was found hiding in a wine press and went on to defeat an army with only 300 men
Who is Gideon?
What books did Solomon write?
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
Name all the teachers who are related to each other and how are they related? There are 5 sets
Mrs. Dalton is Coach J's mother
Mrs. Dalton is Coach Dalton's mother in law
Mrs. Wright is Mrs. Guevara's mother
Mr. Guevara is Mrs. Guevara's husband
Mrs. Bache and Mrs. Kelley are sisters