Connects in fall semester
Random Facts

What is the greatest commandment and what comes second to that?

Love God with all your heart, soul, mind. Love your neighbour as yourself.


In our final fall connect, we played a game on Kahoot. What was being guessed during this game? 

a) A super zoomed-in photo 

b) People’s baby photos

c) Facts about KC 

d) History of Toronto

b) People’s baby photos


What is the tallest building in the world?

The Burj Khalifa


Name that Disney character who LOVES honey

Winnie the pooh


Laws that were broken by the Israelites before Moses broke them on the ground

The Ten Commandments


How many days did it take to flood the whole earth (during Noah's Ark)?

40 days


During Reading Week, what did Leadership Team do for the Froshies? 

a) Delivered treats and notes

b) Mailed handwritten letters 

c) Played Valorant together 

d) Recorded encouragement videos

a) Delivered treats and notes


What was the first drink in space?

Coca Cola


In the opening scene of the movie "Forrest Gump", Forrest states "Life is like a box" of what?



Protective is another term for this court order saying stay away from a specified person. What is this term?

A restraining order


What was Jesus's first miracle?

Turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana


Last semester, we had a guest speaker in November! What was this speaker’s name and what was the name of their connect program? 

a) Dr. Domenic Ruso, No one should hurt alone; let’s talk about Mental Health 

b) Dan MacDonald, Where do we find meaning in life? A conversation between an Atheist and a Christian 

c) Jenn Watt, Suffering and God: a Mental Health Perspective 

d) Ryan Choy, A Christian perspective on sin and addiction

d) Ryan Choy, A Christian perspective on sin and addiction


What was the original name of New York City?

New Amsterdam


The six infinity stones include the space stone, the mind stone, the power stone, the time stone, the soul stone, and…

Reality Stone


What is the set of laws that defines the basic rules and principles about how Canada operates called

the Constitution of Canada


Name all parts of the armour of God

Helmet of Salvation, Breastplate of Righteousness, Belt of Truth, Shield of Faith, Sword of the Spirit, Shoes of the gospel of peace


During a program titled “Having Genuine Faith”, what were the 3 tests that Jason discussed from 1 John? 

a) Moral test, Faith test, Relational test 

b) Relational test, Faith test, Theological test

c) Moral test, Relational test, Theological test

d) Faith test, Theological test, Moral test

c) Moral test, Relational test, Theological test


What was the global average atmospheric CO2 concentration in ppm (parts per million)?

410 ppm


This game is the top grossing game of all time



The danger that an accused person is subjected to when on trial for a criminal offense. What is this term?



Name all 12 disciples of Jesus

Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Simon (called the Zealot), Judas (son of James), Judas Iscariot


During a program titled “Why Christians Disciple”, Jason explained 3 specific reasons for evangelism. What were they? 

a) God’s glory, Love for the lost, Obedience

b) God’s glory, Love for the lost, Responsibility of the Gospel

c) Obedience, Responsibility of the Gospel, God’s glory 

d) Love for the lost, Responsibility of the Gospel, Obedience

b) God’s glory, Love for the lost, Responsibility of the Gospel


What is the economic model that describes the inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment?

The Phillips Curve


In 2018 he announced that his 3-year Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour would be his last

Elton John


If the Pope sues you & takes you to trial that would make him the initiator of the lawsuit. You are the defendant and he is the _____.
