Sphagnum moss is sold under this commercial name
What is peat moss
Without this process, plants get no sugar!
These structures are the result of periods of growth in xylem cells
annual growth rings
This solvent is essential for the movement of sperm from moss to reach female plants.
What is water
This plant tissue is made up of cell groups that undergo mitosis.
What is meristematic tissue?
These three make up the main groups of bryophytes
Mosses, liverworts and hornworts
This group is not concerned about water, but do care about gas!
Hydrophytes (gas exchange for photosynthesis)
This is what phloem cells become when they die.
The sproangia undergo this process for the production of spores
The term given to evaporation from leaves
This keeps moss grounded, but does not "root"
The site of gas exchange in a leaf
What is the stoma
The name given to functional layers of xylem
In vascular seedless plants, the gametophyte generation emerges from this.
What is the prothallum
I may look like a sausage, but that just means I'm not thirsty.
What are Guard cells
The sperm from a moss will fertilize this part of a moss during sexual reproduction?
The name given to plants that come back year after year
What is the vascular cambium
These plants produce seeds in the spring and summer, and then die
What are annuals
The waxy upper layer of the leaf
This specialized organ is the name for the sperm developing part of mosses
A thick cell wall of cellulose gives these vascular cells the support they need
root hair cells
Pumped into an empty cell, creating a concentration gradient allows for sugars to move by this process.
Bulk Flow.
Vessel elements are part of what vascular tissue?