Medieval Towns/Cities
Christian Fervor
Late Middle Ages

This member of the feudal system holds land on behalf of a lord in exchange for military service.



Why is the medieval period known for its farming?

New inventions and practices. Steel is used for plowing and new water/wind tech for power. Crop rotation practices improved. Land is worked by serf system


Which European kingdom was the most centralized monarchy by the late middle ages?



How was lay investiture used for the majority of the feudal period?

The church acted as vassals. Lords would partition off land and name a church official, giving them land to own and run for religious purposes. The church became major land owners as a result but the pope had little authority in choosing leaders


How long did the middle ages last? Why is it called the middle ages?

Middle "ages" between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance/modern era.

Lasted 1000 years - 500 to 1500 AD


How was the feudal era a reaction to the invasion of nordic vikings?

Vikings invaded Europe for centuries and governments were not centralized enough to protect their people or land from invaders. Instead, feudal lords portioned off land to their vassals who would serve in the military in return. This ensured lands were protected when no central national military existed at the time. 


Where did most towns begin during the medieval period?

Craftsmen worked near castles for protection. As business grew, so did the size of towns. Towns often grew into cities close to ports where trade was biggest (Ex: London, Flanders)


What was the Magna Carta and how did it weaken feudalism?

Bill of Rights in England, first of its kind in Europe. Created a set of rights guaranteed to the people and what responsibilities the gov has to citizens. Took away the need for lords and their local rules and centralized the gov


How did the Concordat of Worms change the balance of power between church/state?

It ended lay investiture - church officials could now be chosen by the church itself rather than just by lords.

This gave the pope more authority and made the church its own power as a political entity. They owned a large amount of land already and could now choose their own offices. 


How did Pope Gregory XI's move of the papacy from Rome to Avignon contribute to the fall of church prestige?

Gregory moved the church in order to gain favor from Phillip IV (French King) = corruption of papacy 


Choose one of the following members of the feudal system and explain how they benefitted from feudalism: lord, vassal, serf

Lord: owns land and is main law maker. After renting out fiefs to vassals, the Lord receives military support. The lord may also allow craftsmen to live on his land in order to receive their goods. 

Vassal: Receives land and lives on it in a manor or castle. Does not have to work land, allows serfs to farm it and live on it in return. Receives products/goods from serfs. 

Serf: Works land and in return lives in peasant village/quarters. Vassal protects in times of danger


What is a guild?

Organization of workers of the same trade. Sets quality standards, protects one another, support one anothers economic interests 


Which European kingdoms were slower to adopt a centralized political system than France and England?

Holy Roman Empire, Spain, central European countries, Russia


Name one of the new religious orders of the medieval period and describe their beliefs

Cistercians - labor/poverty/simplicity and missionary work

Franciscans - poverty and charity, especially helping the poor

Dominicans - fighting heresy, upholding church doctrine, Spanish Inquisition 


What was the Great Schism?

After Pope Gregory XI dies, the cardinals can not pick a pope. French vs Italian cardinals fight over new pope for 30 yrs.

The split was a major embarrassment to Church prestige and authority in the late middle ages


Which level of the feudal system did most of society exist in? What was life like for most people?

The majority of people were peasants, many of which were serfs. Vassals allow the serfs to live on the land and in return the serfs work and produce crops/goods. In times of danger, the vassal will protect the serfs with their army.

Serfs lived a simple life in local small towns and villages. Most of their time was spent farming and harvesting crops. Life was very focused on religion and most would stop working on the sabbath day to attend church


Why did guilds become more common in the mid and late middle ages?

European economies were booming. Due to Europe's location as a peninsula, it was ideal for trade. With an increase in trade and an increase in craftsmen/merchants, a need for common practices and protection became necessary


How did the unification of French lands as well as the formation of distinct culture and language in England both bring about a decline in feudalism and the rise of centralized power in Europe?

Both of these created a distinct national identity in both countries. Having common language, tradition, lands, and purpose brought about nationalism for the first time in these countries. This shared identity moved people away from a lord/vassal/peasant system and to a more of a large concept of nationhood


What type of architecture emerged in the middle ages? How was it a reaction to the crusades and religious fervor of the time?

Gothic - tall pointy spires, delicate design, stained glass

Stole its design and inspiration from Muslim mosques seen during the crusades. Crusaders wanted to take these amazing building styles seen during war and adopt them to christianity to prove their own superiority and glorify god


Explain how the Black death spread around Europe and how it contributed to a loss in Church prestige in the late middle ages

Fleas in China -> Rats -> Trade ships -> Italy -> Europe

Can spread by flea bites or by pneumonia/bodily fluids

Europe was extremely unhygienic with little clean water supply or cleanliness. Rats were everywhere.

Roughly 60% of Europeans died, including clergy. Loss of faith in church's ability to help people. Everyone is poor/sick/dying as the church remains wealthy, this altered the spiritual world view of the people. 


Explain why feudalism declined in the late middle ages using specific at least 2 specific historical examples 

British decline:

- Magna Carta (Bill of Rights) outlined rights of the people and responsibilities of gov

- British Common Law created a uniform court system which held all people to the same standard of laws

- Unification of Anglo/Saxon/Norman tribes into one common English Culture under one ruler

French decline

- Unification of lands into one kingdom under Phillip II Augustus 

- Saint Louis (King Louis IX) creates a centralized judicial system 

- Phillip the Fair (IV) set up a bureaucracy (centralized gov hierarchy) 

Feudalism met its ultimate end due to the Plague and the Hundred Years War. Both contributed to a population decline and the need for strong centralized monarchies to rule European nations


How did the growth of medieval towns and cities contribute to the growth of European society during the middle ages?

- Created a new middle class called bourgeoise

- Ports become a center of cultural exchange between E and W

- Formation of guilds and professions

- Populations grew, more people moved to cities and towns and higher incomes = longer life span and more children. This larger labor market and working class decreased serfdom use


What role did Louis XI (Saint Louis) have in transforming the French government?

Changed the legal process to be more centralized and fair to all people. Defendant's were innocent until proven guilty and subjects could bring complaints before the court. This improved not only the rights of the people under one centralized gov but also brought favor to the monarchy


Gives 3 examples of how Christianity deeply affected life in the middle ages. Your answer can be political, economic, or social

Political - church is powerful like its own monarchy, owns a lot of land. Kings have close relationship with Pope and that relationship affects choices King makes. Crusades.

Economic - people required to pay tithe (tax) to the Church. Church is major land owner and makes a hefty income from rents and agriculture from serfs. Church is also in charge of helping the poor and providing social welfare

Social - Latin is the language of the church and of education. Church is main educator (scholasticism) and starts schools. Religion influenced the arts and architecture styles. Church maintains social order and can excommunicate heretics. All people attend mass daily. 


What was the Hundred Years War and how did it

1. Weaken feudalism

2. Weaken the church's power

The Hundred Years War was a series of smaller wars between France and England over land and political authority. It lasted almost a century, on and off with no clear winner. 

1. To finance and manage the war effectively, both the English and French monarchs needed to centralize their authority. This led to the strengthening of the royal bureaucracy and the diminishing influence of local feudal lords. Lords relied on standing armies (rather than vassal's armies) and nationalism.

2. Increase in nationalism, less care about religion. Following the Schism, people wanted something powerful and reliable to rally behind during dark times (Black Death) such as their king, rather than the Pope.