Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5

What is a theocracy?

a government where religious leaders have power to make, approve and enforce laws


Who is Queen Hatshepsut?

New kingdom ruler renowned for expanding Egyptian trade


What is a hieroglyphic?

Egyptian writing system, one of the worlds first, which used symbols.


Who is Piankhi?

Kushite king who conquered all of Egypt


On which continent is egypt?

Africa and Asia


Which of the classes is the largest in ancient Egypt?

Lower class


Which sort of workers where respected in ancient Egyptian society?

Artisans, artists, architects, and skilled workers, scribes.


What language helped scholars understand the meaning of hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone?



What made Assyrian weapons better than Kushite weapons?

because Assyrian weapons were made of iron and Kushites weapons where made of bronze wepons.


What is the highest and lowest point of Egypt?

Highest: Mount Kathrine

Lowest: Qattara Deppression


Why did you think the Egyptians believed that royal burial sites were so important?  

if the pariah has a safe journey to the afterlife, those who prepared his grave and ensured this would also have a safe passage when they pass.


Why did Egypt become the leading military power in the region?

Ahmose took control and took control of all the possible military routes.


Why did some people get to see ancient Egyptian sculptures and paintings?

because only kings, priests, and other important people could see these places


What was the role of women in Kushite society?

were active in society and some rose to positions of authority.


What is Egypts three neighboring countries? 

Isreal, Libya and Sudan


Which god or goddess would most likely have  been responsible for earthquakes, according to ancient Egypt, who do you think that?

Geb because he is the earth god, which is likley making him responsible for any natural disasters, this includes earthquakes.


What are some important events that happened in the New kingdom and middle kingdom?

Middle kingdom: Unite Egypt, nobles take power and Phaoes unite

New kingdom: Conquered much of Syria, created an empire, and strengthened trade routes


What where 2 writing achievements made in these ancient times and what were they

Hieroglyphics were the #1 Egyptian writing system ever created and The Egyptian calendar was created to tell the dates so people knew what day it was.


What where 2 causes and affects of Kush and Aksum fighting.

Cause: Kush trade properties

Effect: Kush became wealthy

Cause: An independent Kush grows strong and sucessful

Effect: Kush becomes independent of Egyption rule and captures upper egypt 


What are all the bodies of water in egypt?

Medertranian Sea, Red Sea, Nile River, Lake Nasser, Gulf of Suez, and Gold of Aqaba


How did religion influence government and society in the Old kingdom?

The government because the Pharaoh had absalute power because people thought he was a god religious leader made the decisions of the government as well. Society because worshiping the gods had affected every part of life people also lived good lives so they could enter the afterlife.


What did the middle, upper, and lower class get paid, and what skills did they provide?

Upper: Got paid well such because they were nobles and Phyros

Middle: Used their skills for providing to their nobles and got paid from using their skills.

Lower: Worked long hours and did not get paid well, and had to work for the Pharoah by using their skills for 1 month


What where the 5 achievements made in Art that made today life better and affected it today?

The treasures of king Tuts tombs, The Egyptians paintings, skilled stone workers, making jewelry, and clothing.


What was the effect caused by Kushka dying and having his son take over?

The style of ruling has changed because there were many different rulers.


Lable all of the cities in egypt, there is only 9

Abu Simbl, Abydos, Alexandra, Aswn, Cairo, Giza, Luxor, Memphis, and Thebes.