This was the primary material used in the construction of Solomon’s Temple.
What is stone?
What famous case demonstrated Solomons wisdom?
What Was The Judgment between two women claiming the same baby
The Queen of Sheba visited Solomon to test him with these.
What are hard questions?
Solomon had this many wives of royal birth
700 Wives
He was the king of Tyre who supplied materials for the temple
Who is Hiram?
The inner sanctuary of the temple housed this sacred object
What is the Ark of the Covenant?
What book of the Bible is largely attributed to Solomons wisdom?
What is the book of Proverbs?!
She brought this precious resource in great abundance as a gift
What is gold?
His foreign wives led him to worship these
What are other gods?
This servant of Solomon rebelled and became the first king of the northern kingdom
Who is Jeroboam?
The temple took this many years to complete
What is seven years?
Solomon’s wisdom was a direct gift from whom?
Who Is God
The Queen was amazed by the wisdom of Solomon and this aspect of his household
The food on his table?
This deity of the Ammonites was one of the idols Solomon worshipped
Who is Molek?
ISolomon appointed this man over the labor force of the house of Joseph.
Who is Adoniram?
These two bronze pillars stood at the temples entrance
What are Jachin and Boaz?
What did Solomon ask for when God appeared to him in a dream?
What Is Wisdom
Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for before she returned to this land.
What is her own country?
God raised this adversary from Edom against Solomon
Who is Hadad?
She was Solomons Egyptian wife
Who is Pharaohs daughter?
The large basin in the temple courtyard was known by this name
What is the Sea?
Solomon was known for his knowledge in many fields. Which was NOT one of them?
What Is Medicine
The Queen of Shebas visit is detailed in this chapter of 1 Kings
What is 1 Kings 10?
This prophet foretold the division of Solomons kingdom
Who is Ahijah?
This man fled to Egypt after Solomon sought to kill him
Who is Jeroboam?