Ford & Friends
The father of charcoal.
Who is Henry Ford?
Sandwich bags, Press N Seal & trash bags.
What is Glad?
The first Kingsford Plant location.
What is Iron Mountain, MI?
I am used to clean clothes, tan hides/skins & help to release the briquettes from the presses.
What is Borax?
Three kinds of charcoal made at the Parsons Plant.
What is Kingsford (Regular/Blue Bag), Match Light & Professional?
Who are the Vagabonds?
BBQ is our game.
What is KC Masterpiece?
Name the states that have retorts.
What is West Virginia, Kentucky & Mississippi?
Small partials that are left after sawing lumber, sometime the wind will cause a dust storm.
What is Kiln Dust.
What was $50,000.00?