What is my favorite pokemon from gen 9?
Which pokemon is known as the tree pokemon?
Who is exeggutor?
+1 0 SpA Quark Drive Iron Moth Fiery Dance vs. +3 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Ground Alakazam: 51-60 (39.2 - 46.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
What is wrong here?
Iron moth has no significant way in order to boost its speed by +3 and +1 in spa
how many possible gym leaders are there in black and white?
What is 11
Whenever I think of this gym leader, the first thing that comes to mind is silver.
Who is giovanni?
What is the bug type pokemon with exactly 230 bst and 80 speed?
Who is wimpod?
What pokemon is known to eat the bird from the region before it?
Who is tinkaton?
What is rapidash(galar) special attack stat?
What is 80?
What is the sixth gym leader in pokemon x/y?
Who is Valerie?
What is my favorite ability?
Extra points if you can guess why
What is huge power?
When was my favorite pokemon region released?
(exact date)
What is November 15th 2019?
What pokemon is the definiton of a good boy?
Who is stoutland?
What is archaludons special defense stat?
What is 65?
What is my favorite gym leader ever?
Who is milo?
If you had the choice to have a level 100 mewtwo against a level one rattata, which one would you have?
Obviously the rattata, endevor quick attack with the focus sash.
What was the number one used pokemon in the regulation f set on pokemon showdown?
Who is Raging bolt?
What pokemon has 255 hp?
Who is eternamax?
What are all of diggersbys abilities? name all three
What is pickup,cheek pouch, and huge power
What gym leader has an ace of gengar?
Who is alliter?
What is the pokemon that would hate to go to a kfc or popeyes?
How didnt you know that? shame on you
What is the weakest fully evolved pokemon without a gimmick?
Who is luvdisc? yucky
What is the exact amount of defense does the pokemon thievul have?
what is 58?
What move does pidgeot learn in bdsp at level 88?
What is pluck?
What pokemon learn last respects?
Who is basculegion and houndstone?
What is my most forgotten mega pokemon?
If you guess this right, you owe me chipolte
Who is mega pinsir?