Student Lives
Student Preferences

(Q19) This is one of the top three ways students first learn about Kirtland.

The Kirtland website (42%), word of mouth (38%), or an Internet search (21%)


(Q13) From most to least preferred, this is the ranking by modality (in-person, hybrid, or online) in which students choose to take Kirtland classes.

Online (43%), In-person (41%), Hybrid (16%)


(Q20) Of text messages, Kmail, or or US Mail, THIS is how students prefer to receive messages from Kirtland.

1. Kmail, 2. Text messages, 3, US Mail


(Q8) Of these choices for the level of academic challenge students encounter at Kirtland (below expectations, above expectations, or at expectations), this was the least-selected option on the survey.

Below expectations (6%).  Above expectations - 26%; at expectations - 68%.


(Q38) This was the ranking of the four COOR counties (from 1-4) based on how many students selected each county as their residence.

1. Roscommon (20%), 2. Crawford (19%), 3. Ogemaw (12%), 4. Oscoda (6%)  (Extra note: Otsego County came in at 12%!)


(Q44) Out of these choices (transportation costs, food insecurity, mental health, and unbudgeted financial costs), students said this was the most immediate issue they faced.

Mental Health (44%).  (Transportation costs - 40%; unbudgeted financial costs - 32%; food insecurity - 19%)


(Q49) By a large margin, this was the most-suggested new intramural sport on the survey.

Volleyball (other top choices were football, basketball, and soccer)


(Q14) 54% of students said they primarily use a PC laptop for their classwork and communication.  A slightly higher percentage said they used THIS device for the majority of their classwork and communication.

Cell phone/Smart Phone (57%)


(Q2) Out of CTE courses through an ISD, Dual Enrollment courses, or AP courses, this was the most common high school academic experience of our students.

Dual enrollment - 33%.  (18% for AP, 10% for CTE)


(Q36) Of "less than 20 miles," 21 to 30 miles", or "31 to 40 miles", this is the most common round-trip driving distance for Kirtland students who attend in-person classes.

Less than 20 miles (15%).  (21 to 30 miles - 10%; 31 to 40 miles - 9%)


(Q39) Within 5 percentage points (higher or lower), this is the percentage of students who indicated they work either full-time or part-time.

72% (33% full-time and 39% part-time)


(Q48) Of these choices (book club, witchcraft club, gardening club, accounting club, and cooking club) this was NOT a suggested new student club on the survey.

Accounting club


(Q22) Out of these choices (once per day, multiple times per day, or a few times per week), this is the most common frequency with which students SAY they check their Kmail.

Multiple times per day (41%). (Once per day - 27%; a few times per week - 15%)


(Q6) Health Science/Nursing (23%) and Transfer/Associate in Science & Arts (21%) are the two most popular academic programs.  This comes in at #3.

Business/Accounting/Entrepreneurship (12%)


(Q11) When asked if they had attended other colleges prior to Kirtland, several community colleges were selected.  This was the four-year institution most selected for this question.

Saginaw Valley State University (5%). CMU (1%) and LSSU (2%) also selected.


(Q41) Given the choices of "under 21" or all ages combined between 21 and 40, this range received the highest percentage of responses for student age.

Under 21 (46%).  All ages 21-40 combined - 40%.  (An additional 14% over 40)


(Q7) The top three reasons indicated for attending Kirtland were: obtain a certificate; complete a 2-year degree and enter the workforce; and complete a 2-year degree and transfer to a 4-year college. These goals were ranked in THIS order:  

#1: complete a 2-year degree and enter the workforce (41%)

#2: complete a 2-year degree and transfer to a 4-year college (37%)

#3: obtain a certificate (26%)


(Q27) The two most popular Kirtland social media presences are Instagram and Facebook.  Of these two, this is the most-followed by students who took the survey.

Facebook (45%).  Instagram came in at 19%.  43% said they don't follow Kirtland on ANY social media.


(Q31) This was one of the top three library resources students use as indicated on the survey.

eBooks (27%), in-person visits to the library (21%), print books (18%)


(Q23) Nearly 57% of students said they use Spotify to listen to music.  Two other streaming music services were selected more than 20% of the time.  Within 5 percentage points (higher or lower), this was the highest percentage selected for any over-the-air radio station.

12% (tie between 102.5 WIOG and 105.9 WKHQ)


(Q42) This was the most commonly-selected gender on the survey.

Female (75%).  Male - 21%; non-binary 3%.


(Q3) This was the college indicated by students who completed the survey as their first choice to attend.

Kirtland Community College (71%)


(Q24) Of these choices for television access (Cable TV, Internet/streaming, or Satellite) this was the most-selected option on the survey.

Internet/Streaming (78%).  Cable TV - 9%, Satellite - 8%.


(Q50) Of these choices (obstetric sonography, agribusiness, data science, and marine biology) which was NOT a suggested new academic program on the survey?

Data science.  One student suggested that we add a pole dancing degree.


(Q29) Students most often said that they learned about tutoring at Kirtland from their advisor or counselor (48%).  This is one of the three next most common sources of tutoring information indicated on the survey.

Instructor - 43%; Email - 41%; Advertisement (Bathroom wall, social media, monitor) - 20%