Kitchen Safety
Food Safety
Parts of a Recipe
Measuring Ingredients

Nutritious Breakfast

This knife has a big blade and is good for cutting meats and chopping vegetables

What is a Chef's knife / French Knife / Santoku Knife?


this is a disease carried or transmitted to people by food

What is food borne illness?


the part of the recipe that tells you how much of each food you need to make the recipe

What is the ingredient list?


the best measuring tool to measure flour

What are dry measuring cups?

the meaning of breakfast

What is Break the fast or Breaking the fast?

the direction you should cut when using a knife

What is away from your body?


what we call transferring of bacteria from person or object to another

What is cross contamination?


the part of the recipe that tells you how to put the ingredients together

What are the directions or instructions?


this is how full you should fill a dry measuring cup or measuring spoons when measuring ingredients before you level it off?

What is until it is heaping or rounded?

the amount of calories breakfast should provide from you total amount of calories for the day

What is 1/3?


the color of the drawer with the cutting tools in it.

What is the green dot drawer?


the temperature the soapy water should be to thoroughly clean dishes and work surfaces

What is hot?


This is the part of the recipe that tells you to bake your cookies for 12-15 minutes at 350 degrees.

What is time and temperature?


what you need to do to peanut butter or brown sugar to fill up the dry measuring cup completely

What is pack it into the cup?


Being "hangry" is a positive of eating breakfast or negative from not eating breakfast

What is a negative from not eating breakfast?


you should Never put this ingredients on a grease fire when trying to put it out

What is water?


what you have to do to food to kill bacteria

What is cook it over 140 degrees?

the part of the recipe that tells you to use a 1 quart saucepan and a whisk

What is equipment?


these are what you should use to measure small amounts such as vanilla or baking powder

What are measuring spoons?


is boosting your attention span a positive or negative of eating breakfast

What is a positive of eating breakfast?


items you use to pick up hot pots and pans

What are pot holders or oven mitts?


the temperature of the Danger Zone when bacteria grows the fastest

What is 40 to 140 degrees?


the part of the recipe that tells you how much the recipe makes

What is the yield?


one stick of butter equals ________ tablespoons or how much of a cup

What is 8 Tablespoons or 1/2 cup?


nutrient in foods that is the bodies main source of energy

What is carbohydrates?