Kitchen Safety
Food Safety
Measuring & Adjusting
Ingredient Functions

Never put these utensils in a sink full of soapy water as they cannot always be seen and they may cut you.

What are knives?


Do before and after handling foods, using the bathroom, sneezing, leaving the kitchen area.

What is wash your hands?


The temperature danger zone

What is 40 degrees - 140 degrees


Describe the technique for measuring flour

What is stir, scoop, overfill, and level


These ingredients cause your product to rise and create texture and structure. Name three.

What are leavening agents? Baking soda, Baking powder, whipped egg whites, steam, yeast


To avoid bumps and bruise, _________ cupboards and drawers.

What is close?


You should keep loose sleeves and long hair _________ when working in the kitchen

What is pulled back/tied back/rolled up?


Never use these again when cutting without washing.

What is cutting boards?


Describe the technique for measuring liquids. Name the correct measuring tool.

What is set on a flat surface, get down to eye level, and read at the bottom of the meniscus?  What is a liquid measuring cup?


This ingredient provides the structure for a product. What is formed when mixed with water?

What is flour? What is gluten?


Point ____________ towards the back of the stove to help prevent spills.

What is pot handles?


The first step in dishwashing to keep your water clean.

What is scrape or wipe off food particles?


The 4 ways to properly thaw meat

What are in the refrigerator, in a cold water bath, in the microwave, or as a part of the cooking process?


The amount of product a recipe produces is called

What is yield?


This ingredient provides sweetness and flavor to a product. Name 4 types of sweeteners.

What is sugar?  What are brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, granulated sugar, powdered sugar, molasses


Three ways to put out a grease fire.

What is a fire extinguisher, baking soda, salt, or smother with a lid.


You should wash your hands for ___________ seconds.

What is 20 seconds?


The acronym FIFO, as it relates to food safety storage, stands for

What is First In, First Out


What is the formula used to calculate a conversion factor when adjusting recipes?

What is New yield/old yield?


This ingredient binds other ingredients together, creates structure, texture, adds richness and color to a product. 

What is eggs?


Name the 5 common injuries in the kitchen.

What are cuts, fires/burns, electrical shock, poisioning, falls/slips/bumps.


Gathering ingredients and equipment before you begin cooking saves time and

keeps your hands clean while preparing food.


The four steps to food safety

What is clean, separate, cook, chill


Double these ingredients.

2 1/4 c flour, 3 tsp salt, 3/4 tsp yeast, 1 1/2 cup of water

What is...4 1/2 c flour, 6 tsp salt or 2 T salt, 1 1/2 tsp yeast, 3 c water


This ingredient adds moisture, acts as a leavening agent, and carries flavors throughout the product? Name the two most common types used in baking.

What is liquids?  Milk and water