what should you do

You should walk away from a stove with an open flame

no Explanation : do not walk away you have zero idea what will happen when you got your back turn.


Flour should be by the stove top.

no Explanation: flour is extremely flamable and will cause a fire.


You should keep silicone equipment away from the stove top when you are not using it

Yes this is so it does not melt and or cause a fire


A grease fire happens and you do not have anything to cover the pan.

Get outside with your family and call 911


You should wash your hands after you handle food especially meat

Yes you do not want to cross contaminate your dish it could lead to under cooked ingreadents plus its unsanitary


Oil should be up in high cabinets.

no Explanation: if the oil falls it can spill and cause slippery mess or worse a fire.


A fire extinguisher should be in your kitchen with easy access.

Yes just incase a fire breaks out and it needs to be used.


Glass is broken on the floor 

Sweep it into a box and close the box before throwing it into a garbage bag.


You should keep your Kitchen messy.

No this could lead to cross contamination or unsanitary practices.


You should keep your knives facing away from you.

Yes Explaination: yes keep the knife even if its on the counter top facing away from you or anyone else so it won't cut anyone by accident.


You should keep knives sharp.

Yes a sharp knife will prevent alot of cuts or accidents because you won't have to use as much force behind cutting something which could lead to an accident.


Oil spills onto the stove top.

You should turn the stove off and clean the oil up.


You should put your hand over boiling oil

No you can and will get severly burn this goes for most liquids.


You should have a lid or cookie sheet nearby when you cook 

yes because it can be used to stop a fire.


You should have two different cutting boards.

Yes this is so you can prevent cross contamination with meat or other ingreadients 


There is an open bag of flour near the stove top.

Close the bag and put it away.


You should keep a box(s) in your kitchen.

Yes you should incase you drop glass using a box makes sure it won't cut through the trash back ( make sure the box can close)


Dishes should not be poking out of the sink. 

Yes because you could accidently hurt yourself or break a dish by accident.


You should not use a metal spoon on most non stick pans.

Yes most non stick pans paint is toxic and using a spoon or other silverware that could chip it can release these toxins into the food.


a kitchen rag is near the stove top.

Move the rag away